Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thought to ponder that could change your life!?

My youth pastor was saying the other day when we were talking about the super bowl, if we knew before the game even happened that the saints were gonna win we wouldnt pull for the colts cause you want to be on the wining team. And Gods team has already won, so why does everyone not want to be on Gods team, the winners? How many out there have been saved by the amazing grance of our God? I just dont understand people that dont wanna accept Christ? No rude comments please!Thought to ponder that could change your life!?
well not all of us are convinced god and jesus exist, so it's naturally a bit difficult for us to accept themThought to ponder that could change your life!?
Because some people can't believe in what they can't see with their own eyes and they can't see Christ.
underdogs ftw!
';And Gods team has already won';


Here's what I can't understand: No one would have rooted for the Colts if they knew they were going to loose. But what changes the stakes when God doesn't exist? Who wants to be on the team of an imaginary friend that doesn't exist?

';No rude comments please!';

Then don't post rude questions you stupid twit. Do you realize how rude and offensive it is to tell 2/3rds of the people on the planet that they're wrong?
You don't understand because you are brainwashed.
Your understanding is not relevant to the truth of the proposition whether a God exists or not. I am unable to accept your mythology because it makes no sense and is completely illogical. It has nothing to do with whether I want to accept it or not.

These people you claim are saved. What are they saved from? Not death certainly. People who claim to be saved die all the time.
If you don't want rude answers,don't ask such silly questions.This isn't a question its a rant.
sorry, I'm not very granceful . . . . .and you have no clue.
My youth pastor said the same thing when I was a kid. It's just so effective in manipulating teenagers into religion. After all, everyone wants to be a winner. Tell you what...you get a gold star and a cookie :D

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