Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How is the best way to deal with change in life?

My husband has left me (look at my previous question) and it doesn't look like he's coming back anytime soon. My boss is quitting so that means Tom, this horrible guy, will replace him. So I might as well quit because Tom has been wanting to fire me for a while. And I have a 1 year old son and I'm still young myself and the thought of raising a child on my own scares me. What if I am not a good parent? So basically, I will be starting a completely new life and I feel alone, deppressed, and confused. What is the best way to deal with these changes so that I don't feel so overwhelmed?How is the best way to deal with change in life?
Meet the new changes head on. Pretend they are a challenge. You can do it.How is the best way to deal with change in life?
see a counsellor
You will be a good parent, use your common sense. It may be time to go job hunting. It is a lot easier getting a job when you have one. Turn to your friends to help cheer you up and have them be on the look out for a new job for you.

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