Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How much did your life change when you went from having one child, to two?

I'm just looking ahead.

I currently have a 12 month old daughter and we aren't planning on having another until she is 2.5 - 3 yrs old.

What I'm wondering is, how much did your life change or how did you adjust to having a newborn and a toddler? I find my 12 month old is such a great baby, but she's alot of work too! Especially at her age, she doesn't listen very well when I say ';no'; and she gets into EVERYTHING!

How did you manage?

And what was the age difference between your children? Do you think the age difference was easier/harder and why?

Thanks!How much did your life change when you went from having one child, to two?
I think the biggest difference is that when you have one child and they're down for a nap or relaxed into their own world, you get a bit of you time. When you have two kids and you get one to lay down for a nap you have the other to reckon with. Its a lot less downtime for you or breather time. When they're both down for the night is the only real rest time I got til my kids were old enough to really interact with each other and play independently.

My two boys are as different as night and day. My oldest was an easy going baby who slept through the night early and has always done as I requested and never needed too much correction. He's a calm child who loves sitting down and reading or doing puzzles. My 2nd boy... well. Take everything I said and flip flop it. At 3yo he STILL wakes up sometimes at nights, he argues with me every step of the way, and he always wants to run run run!

They are 18 months apart and honestly I think this made for a very, very hard first six months, a hard first year, and after that things sailed on beautifully. At 3 and 4 they're inseperable best friends now. So I guess its when you want the challenge :) The friends I have that had their kids 2-3 years apart had an easier time with the young infants, but then had problems the toddler years because the infants would get into all the preschoolers (choking hazard) toys and they didn't interact quite as well as my two who are closer in age do.How much did your life change when you went from having one child, to two?
I wish I could help you but I only had one child for about 30 minutes, then his twin brother was born. From what I have heard from my friends, although it was an adjustment since you have already been through it before it is a little bit easier. When she is 2.5-3 she will be a great help. I am due about 3 weeks after my boys will be turning 3 and it is great timing I feel. They are almost out of diapers, and they can tell me what they want. The only way it is harder the longer you wait is that they are in totally different stages, but that is where playgroups come in handy! Good luck with your decision, either way you will make it work!! You are a mom and we are reciliant!!
i get asked this alot and tbh, i found going from 1 to 2 the hardest thing ever. learning to adjust is hard but it does just sort of come to u. my eldest was 18mth wen my 2nd was born and it wasnt as hard i had prepared myself for but it was still hard. subsequently i have 6 kids now and all have come in pairs and i find they grow up together. there is always a close to age playmate. dont get me wrong they fight like cat and dog but at the end of the day, they are ther for each other. my eldest 2 are now 11 and 9.5 and i wldnt change it for the world.
My daughter just turned 3 in Aug. And I just had another baby girl 10/10 and it is life changing But its hard My daughter doesn't listen at all she acts like she is hard headed and she is VERY jealous of the new baby but she loves her to death I just hate the fact she is always in her face and sometime shes mean to the baby but I don't know if she understands she is so tiny. It just drives me nuts. But all children are different maybe you'll get lucky lol.

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