Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If we had solid scientific evidence that there was no God, how would your life change?

For me (a Christian) the following would change:

1) I wouldn't be filled with fear and worry as to if hell was a final destination for me. As a result, I would be able to relax and enjoy my life. A great burden would be lifted from me.

2) I would be very aggresive to get a girlfriend because vagina would be in the equation this time, and no matter how many times I got rejected I would still seek one out.

3) After I found a girlfriend, I would fornicate many many times with her, and when we broke up I would repeat the process with a new girlfriend.

4) There would be no point in getting married. I would just have a girlfriend, and we would have sex. We can sleep together, but enjoy all the benefits of not living underneath the same roof. Marriages are expensive and time consuming anyways.

5) I would stop going to church, praying, and reading my Bible. No more money would be given to the church.

6) When I loved and cared for people, It would be better%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;If we had solid scientific evidence that there was no God, how would your life change?
I don't think believers would change at all: if you have what it takes to believe the baloney in the bible now, then a little ';science'; won't stop you from believing. Ignorance is bliss my brutha.If we had solid scientific evidence that there was no God, how would your life change?
Science knows that evidence for non-existence is non-existent, and doesn't waste it's time proving non-existence until someone steps forward with evidence that proves existence.

The list of things that are presumed non-existent REALLY is quite quite long...
This is coming from a ';Christian';. The point of being saved is that you're not obeying God out of fear...you're doing it because He is your Lord and you think it's right. I guess this was just a poor attempt at sarcasm.
There is no way science can prove the existence or non-existence of God. The existence or non-existence of God cannot be proved or disproved scientifically. At best we can cite certain scientific laws and theories (big bang, second law of thermodynamics, DNA etc.), which indicate the existence of God. There can be no scientific proof, simply because God is not physical or material. He is spiritual and infinite.

But if we broaden our notion of science to include knowledge of things that we get from observing their effects on other things, then God can be known from science.

I have proven to myself God exists so there is no way for me to answer your question. I talk to him every day and he answers my prayers. That's good enough proof for me.

And by the way, testimonial evidence is accepted in a court of law.
So if you feel this way, why are you still a Christian?
:Sniff sniff: What's that in the air?

Smells of fish i think.

But what should this wanderer from the East say in a fight that is not his?
you treat god as a burden.....why do you believe anyway?
Awesome! That's exactly how everyone should live. There is no proof of God, that's as good as proving he doesn't exist.
I really can't say I would change,,I like who I am now..
We wouldn't be here then .
Solid scientific evidence with faith?

The science is not the only way of knowing. I know my God, and there is no ifs in that matter to me. : )
Hmmm... Other than the girlfriend part, that's great.

I'm surprised, though, that you have no concern for Children, since you seem to have people in your life whom you care for.

As for me, I'm already an atheist, so the only thing that would change is that I would not have to listen to Christians berating me any longer.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
Obviously if god did exist you could easily deduce that he doesn't care about us. So to find that out an uncaring god doesn't exist wouldn't change my life at all.
I will never believe man over God. God is truth and every man a liar as far as I am concerned.
Your question is moot on 2 counts:

1. Science can't even prove evolution, let alone prove there is no God.

2. I have proof WITHIN me that God exists and that will never change.

God bless!
My life would not change. First of all, it'd be idiotic to believe a discipline which limits itself to NATURAL phenomena only could EVER detect, let alone prove OR disprove God, who is by definition a SUPERnatural Being.

Second, I have enough respect for my fellow human beings not to use them as a piece of meat.

And if you're not enjoying your time in church, you're wasting your time. Stop pretending to be a Christian. It's not fooling God, and not doing you any good.
First, if you have given your life to Christ and have declared that you have no remedy for sin but his sacrifice for us on the cross, you need not fear hell. No one who depends on Christ and belongs to him will be abandoned to hell, our sins are forgiven. The proof that we are is that our lives change for the better and we begin producing the fruits of the Spirit which is love for God and our fellow man.

Second, God is supernatural (above nature). Science is the study of nature. Therefore, science will never be able to prove or disprove his existence.

Nevertheless for the sake of the thought experiment, here's my take.

I wouldn't give money to the poor, or volunteer to help kids learn to read, or follow any law unless I thought I wouldn't be caught. I wouldn't feel like I had to be forgiving or kind to anyone I didn't like. I would have encouraged my husband to sue his father's estate to have his will overturned and to sue all his clients who don't pay the full amount. I wouldn't give the money back when a clerk gives me too much change. I wouldn't spend time visiting the elderly and the sick. I wouldn't spend money sending care packages to soldiers I don't even know.

I would fear death and have no hope of heaven to sustain me through illness and misfortune.
1-if you're filled with worry and fear of hell, i have a news flash for you...Christians DON'T fear hell

2-4)-i've seen your other posts...there IS such a thing as too much information, scooter...there's kinky and then there's KINKY...you've got a whole alternate universe thing going on

5)-if you were sitting in an oven, would you consider yourself a biscuit? then why in the name of all that is holy do you consider yourself a Christian?

6)-i've seen your idea of loving and caring...i'll settle for a hallmark card once or twice a lifetime, 'kay?
Your condition mandates that the reader ignore the origin of creation, a foolish endeavour.
Well, my friend you dont have to worry about that happening because their will never be hard core evidence that God does not exist. You would of had to be their when the universe was created to say it happened by accident. But all seriousness if you just think about all this happening by complete accident, it just kinda happened, compaired to God who knows all things created this. Which one makes more sense. Even if one try's to say trial and errer created it. That doesn't make sense because then somthing with a brain would of had to correct it each time. Anyway hyperthetically speaking if we did find out God did not exist and it did happen by accident. I think My reaction would be quit the opposite of yours.

First, I woul stop giving a crap about people because there is no point they are just going to die and nothing will happen.

Second, I would become very selfish to try and become rich and live the only life I have as sinful as possible, because even though sin in the end will destroy you while you are doing it, it feels great.

Third, I would try to pick up girls for sex, instead of a relationship and patential marrage. I wouldn't say that I would never get married. But I would sure wait until I was alot older.

Unlike you I am not filled with fear for going to hell because I know I wont sense Jesus paid the price for me. So their wouldn't be any more of relaxation for me.

Right now I am not following God very well because I dont want to follow Him out of wanting gifts in heaven, I want to follow Him out of love for what He has done for me. So I am doing an experiement and I am going to let God change me because I believe He is alive and that He will change me as long as I let Him. So far He has changed me as much as I have let Him.

Another thing that all should be mature enough to admit. Which famouse Atheist have said. Life just doesn't make sense without God.

The reason for being here. The life we have with all our feelings, just doesn't belong. It is all just too bizarre without God. Thats why life just doesn't make sense without God.
My life wouldn't change at all. I think there is already decent evidence to blow any religion's concept of God out of the water. As for you, good luck finding all these fantasy women who would be game for your endless sexual escapades. I think you'll find this won't be as easy as you imagine.

5) Good. Save your money. Churches don't deserve it anyway. Start today.

6) How do you love people now? If it's only because your relgion tells you to, I wouldn't call that love at all. It's more like tolerance.
If you are a TRUE CHRISTIAN and SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OF NO GOD WAS PROVED then you and all of CREATION NEVER HAPPENED .NO GOD = NO CREATION.There is no other answer.Which means there were no scientists to prove there was no God.in the first place.Do you agree? If not then you would have to be an Atheist, in the first place.,not a Christian.You can't have it both ways.
A true believer would never accept so called ';solid scientific evidence'; there is no God any more than a true anti-believer would accept evidence that God exists.You are merely speculating what you would do.Your question is moot.
There's perfectly adequate evidence that there is no god, and no hard evidence whatsoever that there is.

Some of us already live in the world you describe, and we ain't so weird.

Given the pain you're in, I think you should read up and learn to discard the imaginary deities.


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