I am so sick of wanting to have a different life, to be someone else it is exhausting.I need to except who Iam but how?I WANT TO CHANGE MY LIFE, I WANT TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON how can I let this feeling go away?
You probably have not even found out who you truly are yet. Seems to me like you have been letting everyone else tell you who you are and they are shaping you! You can become who you truly are by examining yourself. You have got to come to a point in your life when you just start rejecting what others say and build yourself up. Have you ever heard of being reborn? Ask Jesus Christ into your life and confess that he is lord. You will be reborn.I WANT TO CHANGE MY LIFE, I WANT TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON how can I let this feeling go away?
go to a therapist, and dress up like a chicken. It worked for me!!!! and don't committ suicide
go to church, or any religious place
Well if you dont like the person you are then its not something you should accept. Find the things in your life that u dont like and replace them with new things that you would like. (For instance if you dont like your wieght then start out by walking a few times a week) thats just an example but it would apply to any of the things you dislike. Also its a good idea to make new friends and new places to hang out, because the old ones expect you to be the same person. It would be easier to change who you are if you change how you live
Do NOT roll your eyes at this answer.
Get into therapy. Something you do not want to deal with is making you want to run away from yourself. And that my friend is something which cannot be done.
Unless you have killed someone, or repeatedly hurt people deeply, then you're reacting to something that a therapist can help you sort through.
No one else can help you, so you're going to have to decide to jump in with both feet. Believe me, you'll come out of that tunnel happier, calmer, and peaceful.
You should just feel comfortable in your own skin. A while back I thought I was a horrible perosn with a horrible mind body and spirit. Now I realize that I should be happy with who I am as a person. EVERYONE has at least one great quality about themselves, you just haven't found it yet. When the time comes, it will be a great feeling. If you want to be better on the outisde, first fix the inside. If you find activities to do outside of either work or school, thats great! It will make you feel better about yourself, and you'll make new friends who except you for you. Try taking up acting, writing, painting etc. Soon your true talents will come out and you will except yourself. I wish you the best of luck!
You can't be a different person, but you can change your life! Firstly, you should seek professional help. Secondly, I don檛 think you really hate everything about your self. There must be something that you do like. Your mind, your honesty, your frankness, your toenail, your ear, something; you must find and focus on those things. You should write a list of the things you do like first then a list of the things you don檛 like. Take the list of the things you don檛 like and decide which ones you control and can change. Then take steps to make changes. Start small so you will feel a sense of accomplishment and not frustration. Keep working at the things you can change and try to deal with what you can檛. Again see a pro to help you deal with things. Surround your shelf with supporters and eliminate haters from your life and your circle when ever possible.
I had a similar problem. What helped me were regular excercises with classical yoga. It makes you relax and the psychological tension accumulated for years gradually goes away. It's good for health too :). Just relax and be who you are, every person is beautiful.
Accept who you are. You will never be what you are meant to be until you accept who you are. (Wise advice given to me once.)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Can a single decision really change the course of my life?
Like what? Will my life change a little?...alot?
How can that be possible?
How long does it take for those kinds of choices to go into effect? In other words, what kind of time frame is necessary for a decision to go from the point of conception to the moment of truth? What if I've made the wrong choices so far? Can I re-make those old choices in this new moment or am I bound by my past mistakes?Can a single decision really change the course of my life?
Every decision which you -- or I or anyone -- makes will change our lives, of course, and the big decisions will alter them more than the small ones, naturally. That is actually what life is: the making of decisions and their consequences or rewards. However, in my instance, I have made choices which others might judge as wrong, foolish, irrational, whatever, but I have accomplished my major dream in life, my real goal, so therefore I consider that my ';mistakes'; were not that at all but were essential to my ultimate desire for my life. I suggest that you live so that you achieve your most hoped-for aspiration and not worry over the stumbles along the way!Can a single decision really change the course of my life?
Thank you for the Best Answer and my fondest wishes for a happy life for you!
';From the point of conception
To the moment of truth
At the point of surrender
To the burden of proof
From the point of ignition
To the final drive
The point of the journey is not to arrive
Anything can happen...';
it did to me....I got married.....regretted that decision ever since......totally screwed up my life
My friend chose to ride his motorcycle around the block at 7:03pm one April evening. Now he's paralyzed from the midchest down.
Well yes - the paradox is that we don't know about most of those choices *winks*
We have to live with the consequences of our mistakes, but that doesn't mean you have to keep making the same mistakes.
The decision to follow Christ is life-changing. That decision completely changed my life many years ago.
We all make mistakes..You are never bound by past mistakes, but scars can remain. There are choices we make that haunt us all our lives. I don't want to sound like I am giving a morals speech..but it can be hard to change past mistakes.
Your totally not bound to your past mistakes. You want to start living a new life then do it. See for yourself if it will change everything for the better. You'll see results sooner than you expect.
it is not YOUR decisions that may change your life dramatically but the decisions other people take and influence your life, and it is luck as well.your decisions change your life up to a point.you recognize if good or bad later.REMEMBER THERE ARE 5 BILLION PEOPLE TAKING DECISIONS AROUND YOU AND YOU ARE ONE...and you are not bound by your past mistakes
Yes, but you will realise after many years
every decision changes the course of your life. sometimes a little sometimes a lot. if you decide to have the fish instead of the chicken, you might have a worse night if the fish is bad. if you decide to take one job over another you might meet your new best friend there. each experience you have large or small affects you in some way. as for remaking the choices, some yes, some no. you can take back an ugly sweater with little trouble, but you can't get a divorce and expect to get back to exactly where you were before the wedding.
Yes, a single decision can change your life.
20 years ago I was at happy hour with a friend from work. We were leaving, I was sort of tired, when she asked me if I'd like to go to this new little bar down the street from her apartment.
At first I said no, I was going home before the drunks came out (being Friday night), but she insisted and I changed my mind.
At the pool table next to our table two guys were playing pool. We met and I married one of them a few years later. Been married now for 16 years.
Yep, a single decision can change your life :)
Out on the road you have a near miss, a car would have broadsided you, and possibly killed you, had you not reacted instantly and swerved just inches enough out of the way. Yes, a single decision can do a lot and it can happen within seconds.
If you get a scratch, you allow your body to heal it. But if you get wounded emotionally, you can hold onto the wound and refuse to allow it to heal. Then you are bound by it.
If you do something good and you feel joy over it, it's effect is immediate isn't it?
What you need is the proper perspective.
because Pandora opened the box we now have pain and suffering in the world.
the past doesn't matter its never too late to make changes. if we do god's will our life will turn out much different than the man who continues to sin and disobey, doesn't men there won't be trials and hurts, just means our choices in life do determine our destinies. one road leads us into sin and a hard life, the other road leads us to god, and a life where we can better handle our difficulties in life. we know when we make wrong choices, because life will be difficult, but when we obey according to god's will we will have it easier.
Yes, of course... many don't obviously, but even at my young age I'm feeling the effects of decisions I made a few years ago...
The decision to follow Christ is the single most life-changing thing you could do. In him all past sins are wiped away and through baptism, the life of God will dwell within you. This is called Grace. If you turn away from Him he will continue to pursue you until you come back to Him because He has always loved you as He is God Himself who is Love. You can then repent and again you will be in the full life of God. After baptism, your soul will be permanently marked for Him. It is up to you, with his Grace, to continue to walk with Him. In Him is true happiness and when you finally die and are in the state of Grace, you will be eternally happy forever with Him in heaven.
The top 10 moments of your life, where you are at a crossroads.
From our head office in Souix City, Iowa....
10 Ultimately, the best decision of your life, salvation gets you a ticket to heaven!!!
9 Choosing to over work gives you a heart attack or stroke, and a low quality of life.
8 Choosing the right spouse will decide if married life is heaven or ';hell on earth';.
7 Choosing a good career path will make or break your finaces!
6 Chosing a BF/GF badly gets you broken hearted.
5 Choosing promiscuous adultery gives you social disease
4 Choosing bad friends lead you astray
3 choosing to over-eat and ';veg out'; makes you a weighty ';loser';,
told 15 times a day that you are NOTHING!!!
2 Choice of a good education empowers you to succeed
1 abortion wipes your life out
little things mean a lot
#10 is the gold ticket!
The middle two letters in the famous word ';Life'; make up the infamous word ';if';.
';If'; accomplished nothing.
Procrastination is mans dreaded enemy!
Should-a, could-a, would-a are an evil set of triplets!
Throw these three in the nearest wastebasket or dumpster.
Karma within man can be destroyed easily if the formula is known and applied. Understand that nothing is ever wasted!
School is in cession! - ';May we all get passing grades!';
The point of conception and the moment of truth are synonymous. Illusion suggests to man that the opposite is true!
Eliminate the word ';Doubt'; and all things are possible.
The course of your ';Life'; is actually the ';Point'; that is needed for true self-realization.
May you be consumed by that ';Point';.
says a small ray of that sun....
Some decisions can be reversed through hard work and making the right choices right now. Some will cause an effect that you cannot reverse. (not immediately anyway). A few good examples were given by a couple of people here. The point is that you have to live in the moment and believe in yourself and you will find your way. No matter how dire your current situation is, if you don't give up right now then you made the right choice right now. It is said in Buddhism that all things are bound by the law of cause and effect. When you make a cause the effect is immediate, even though you may not notice it until much later. The question is do you believe in yourself right now? It is always from this moment on.......
Thanks for your question
I do not believe that a single choice will change the course of my life. I believe that everything that I choose or that others choose around me that have an impact on my life were meant to be what was necessary in that moment. Believing one is bound to what we may perceive as mistakes is to live with regret.
Yes, and no. Each decision marks a point in a path, but then if things are laid out for us, then those choices have already been made and you were destined to make it anyway. If however, each choice decides your future, then yes you have chosen a particular path and that path will not lead to the same places another choice would have.
The time frame would probably be based on the weight of the decision in relationship with the rest of your life. If you choose chocolate over vanilla, the effects are immediate. If you chose to leave or stay, some effects are immediate some are going to be long run.
Choices are choices, can they be completely wrong or right? No I don't think so, just different. In the same mind set you are bound by past choices, you can make changes if circumstances are allowable, but who really decides if they are mistakes? You do, by the way you live them and the way you make them work for you.
undoubtfully, yes it will, Chaos Theory right there
Sure it can. When I was 18, I joined the Air Force. Turned out that I had asthma, so they gave me the choice of staying in and being cured, or going home. I was homesick, so I said I'd like to go home. I've been regretting that decision ever since - for the lost opportunities, the missed experiences, and a hundred other reasons. Had I stayed in, the course of my life would have been very different indeed, and almost certainly much better than what it has been. Now I'm 56, and it's way too late to change anything.
yes, .. and no.
scincerly, yes, and no.
how are you going to 'change' it?
what are you 'changing'?
then again
doesnt each moment change?
If you spend 10cent today, wont you be 10cent poorer tommorow?
actions are so very over-rated.
in the end of ends when all is done, what will we have to show?
what would it have been for?
'be' noble.
find honour.
edit: thank you for asking
That would depend upon the intent of the decision. Do you want to change Church's, ice cream flavors or know the truth of life. : )
Everything counts. Each moment. The more that you are able to live your life consciously, awake, you will make use of your ability to harness your intention. Intention creates. You also live your own soul's path. it is uniquely yours. How you live, think, and act, makes up your life experiences, yet your individual karma is at work also. Whatever happens to each of us is not as important as how we respond to each moment and what we perceive to be happening to us. If I suffer, I'm ok with it. If I die, I'm ok with it. Acceptance makes it all acceptable. My life has taught me much, and my inate knowing takes care of me. I have had my share of heartache, yet I always feel guided and protected. I know it is not everyone's way, but it is mine. So, yes, every decision, thought, action, spoken word, counts. Remember, we silently affect everyone around us, and do not always know what happens to them once we have moved on to the next moment. You may affect another's life dramatically yet not see what that result may have been. It all counts. All is impermanent...all changes.......the river of life flows...........
There's never time to do 'it' right but there's always time to do 'it' over. Famous quote of my teacher when the whole class missed the assignment.
Decisions are like bends in the road, some require more bending than others, but they are bends nonetheless. As the poet Robert Frost wrote about going back,
';Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet, knowing how way leads onto way
I doubted if I should ever come back';
Even when we go back to re-make a decision, it is still not the same as the time we first encountered it. Our travel on the path has changed us, and we see that place, that decision, in a new light.
Mistakes are only bends in the road, and we can choose another bend any time. The mistakes make the trip educational, so regretting them is a waste of time.
How can that be possible?
How long does it take for those kinds of choices to go into effect? In other words, what kind of time frame is necessary for a decision to go from the point of conception to the moment of truth? What if I've made the wrong choices so far? Can I re-make those old choices in this new moment or am I bound by my past mistakes?Can a single decision really change the course of my life?
Every decision which you -- or I or anyone -- makes will change our lives, of course, and the big decisions will alter them more than the small ones, naturally. That is actually what life is: the making of decisions and their consequences or rewards. However, in my instance, I have made choices which others might judge as wrong, foolish, irrational, whatever, but I have accomplished my major dream in life, my real goal, so therefore I consider that my ';mistakes'; were not that at all but were essential to my ultimate desire for my life. I suggest that you live so that you achieve your most hoped-for aspiration and not worry over the stumbles along the way!Can a single decision really change the course of my life?
Thank you for the Best Answer and my fondest wishes for a happy life for you!
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';From the point of conception
To the moment of truth
At the point of surrender
To the burden of proof
From the point of ignition
To the final drive
The point of the journey is not to arrive
Anything can happen...';
it did to me....I got married.....regretted that decision ever since......totally screwed up my life
My friend chose to ride his motorcycle around the block at 7:03pm one April evening. Now he's paralyzed from the midchest down.
Well yes - the paradox is that we don't know about most of those choices *winks*
We have to live with the consequences of our mistakes, but that doesn't mean you have to keep making the same mistakes.
The decision to follow Christ is life-changing. That decision completely changed my life many years ago.
We all make mistakes..You are never bound by past mistakes, but scars can remain. There are choices we make that haunt us all our lives. I don't want to sound like I am giving a morals speech..but it can be hard to change past mistakes.
Your totally not bound to your past mistakes. You want to start living a new life then do it. See for yourself if it will change everything for the better. You'll see results sooner than you expect.
it is not YOUR decisions that may change your life dramatically but the decisions other people take and influence your life, and it is luck as well.your decisions change your life up to a point.you recognize if good or bad later.REMEMBER THERE ARE 5 BILLION PEOPLE TAKING DECISIONS AROUND YOU AND YOU ARE ONE...and you are not bound by your past mistakes
Yes, but you will realise after many years
every decision changes the course of your life. sometimes a little sometimes a lot. if you decide to have the fish instead of the chicken, you might have a worse night if the fish is bad. if you decide to take one job over another you might meet your new best friend there. each experience you have large or small affects you in some way. as for remaking the choices, some yes, some no. you can take back an ugly sweater with little trouble, but you can't get a divorce and expect to get back to exactly where you were before the wedding.
Yes, a single decision can change your life.
20 years ago I was at happy hour with a friend from work. We were leaving, I was sort of tired, when she asked me if I'd like to go to this new little bar down the street from her apartment.
At first I said no, I was going home before the drunks came out (being Friday night), but she insisted and I changed my mind.
At the pool table next to our table two guys were playing pool. We met and I married one of them a few years later. Been married now for 16 years.
Yep, a single decision can change your life :)
Out on the road you have a near miss, a car would have broadsided you, and possibly killed you, had you not reacted instantly and swerved just inches enough out of the way. Yes, a single decision can do a lot and it can happen within seconds.
If you get a scratch, you allow your body to heal it. But if you get wounded emotionally, you can hold onto the wound and refuse to allow it to heal. Then you are bound by it.
If you do something good and you feel joy over it, it's effect is immediate isn't it?
What you need is the proper perspective.
because Pandora opened the box we now have pain and suffering in the world.
the past doesn't matter its never too late to make changes. if we do god's will our life will turn out much different than the man who continues to sin and disobey, doesn't men there won't be trials and hurts, just means our choices in life do determine our destinies. one road leads us into sin and a hard life, the other road leads us to god, and a life where we can better handle our difficulties in life. we know when we make wrong choices, because life will be difficult, but when we obey according to god's will we will have it easier.
Yes, of course... many don't obviously, but even at my young age I'm feeling the effects of decisions I made a few years ago...
The decision to follow Christ is the single most life-changing thing you could do. In him all past sins are wiped away and through baptism, the life of God will dwell within you. This is called Grace. If you turn away from Him he will continue to pursue you until you come back to Him because He has always loved you as He is God Himself who is Love. You can then repent and again you will be in the full life of God. After baptism, your soul will be permanently marked for Him. It is up to you, with his Grace, to continue to walk with Him. In Him is true happiness and when you finally die and are in the state of Grace, you will be eternally happy forever with Him in heaven.
The top 10 moments of your life, where you are at a crossroads.
From our head office in Souix City, Iowa....
10 Ultimately, the best decision of your life, salvation gets you a ticket to heaven!!!
9 Choosing to over work gives you a heart attack or stroke, and a low quality of life.
8 Choosing the right spouse will decide if married life is heaven or ';hell on earth';.
7 Choosing a good career path will make or break your finaces!
6 Chosing a BF/GF badly gets you broken hearted.
5 Choosing promiscuous adultery gives you social disease
4 Choosing bad friends lead you astray
3 choosing to over-eat and ';veg out'; makes you a weighty ';loser';,
told 15 times a day that you are NOTHING!!!
2 Choice of a good education empowers you to succeed
1 abortion wipes your life out
little things mean a lot
#10 is the gold ticket!
The middle two letters in the famous word ';Life'; make up the infamous word ';if';.
';If'; accomplished nothing.
Procrastination is mans dreaded enemy!
Should-a, could-a, would-a are an evil set of triplets!
Throw these three in the nearest wastebasket or dumpster.
Karma within man can be destroyed easily if the formula is known and applied. Understand that nothing is ever wasted!
School is in cession! - ';May we all get passing grades!';
The point of conception and the moment of truth are synonymous. Illusion suggests to man that the opposite is true!
Eliminate the word ';Doubt'; and all things are possible.
The course of your ';Life'; is actually the ';Point'; that is needed for true self-realization.
May you be consumed by that ';Point';.
says a small ray of that sun....
Some decisions can be reversed through hard work and making the right choices right now. Some will cause an effect that you cannot reverse. (not immediately anyway). A few good examples were given by a couple of people here. The point is that you have to live in the moment and believe in yourself and you will find your way. No matter how dire your current situation is, if you don't give up right now then you made the right choice right now. It is said in Buddhism that all things are bound by the law of cause and effect. When you make a cause the effect is immediate, even though you may not notice it until much later. The question is do you believe in yourself right now? It is always from this moment on.......
Thanks for your question
I do not believe that a single choice will change the course of my life. I believe that everything that I choose or that others choose around me that have an impact on my life were meant to be what was necessary in that moment. Believing one is bound to what we may perceive as mistakes is to live with regret.
Yes, and no. Each decision marks a point in a path, but then if things are laid out for us, then those choices have already been made and you were destined to make it anyway. If however, each choice decides your future, then yes you have chosen a particular path and that path will not lead to the same places another choice would have.
The time frame would probably be based on the weight of the decision in relationship with the rest of your life. If you choose chocolate over vanilla, the effects are immediate. If you chose to leave or stay, some effects are immediate some are going to be long run.
Choices are choices, can they be completely wrong or right? No I don't think so, just different. In the same mind set you are bound by past choices, you can make changes if circumstances are allowable, but who really decides if they are mistakes? You do, by the way you live them and the way you make them work for you.
undoubtfully, yes it will, Chaos Theory right there
Sure it can. When I was 18, I joined the Air Force. Turned out that I had asthma, so they gave me the choice of staying in and being cured, or going home. I was homesick, so I said I'd like to go home. I've been regretting that decision ever since - for the lost opportunities, the missed experiences, and a hundred other reasons. Had I stayed in, the course of my life would have been very different indeed, and almost certainly much better than what it has been. Now I'm 56, and it's way too late to change anything.
yes, .. and no.
scincerly, yes, and no.
how are you going to 'change' it?
what are you 'changing'?
then again
doesnt each moment change?
If you spend 10cent today, wont you be 10cent poorer tommorow?
actions are so very over-rated.
in the end of ends when all is done, what will we have to show?
what would it have been for?
'be' noble.
find honour.
edit: thank you for asking
That would depend upon the intent of the decision. Do you want to change Church's, ice cream flavors or know the truth of life. : )
Everything counts. Each moment. The more that you are able to live your life consciously, awake, you will make use of your ability to harness your intention. Intention creates. You also live your own soul's path. it is uniquely yours. How you live, think, and act, makes up your life experiences, yet your individual karma is at work also. Whatever happens to each of us is not as important as how we respond to each moment and what we perceive to be happening to us. If I suffer, I'm ok with it. If I die, I'm ok with it. Acceptance makes it all acceptable. My life has taught me much, and my inate knowing takes care of me. I have had my share of heartache, yet I always feel guided and protected. I know it is not everyone's way, but it is mine. So, yes, every decision, thought, action, spoken word, counts. Remember, we silently affect everyone around us, and do not always know what happens to them once we have moved on to the next moment. You may affect another's life dramatically yet not see what that result may have been. It all counts. All is impermanent...all changes.......the river of life flows...........
There's never time to do 'it' right but there's always time to do 'it' over. Famous quote of my teacher when the whole class missed the assignment.
Decisions are like bends in the road, some require more bending than others, but they are bends nonetheless. As the poet Robert Frost wrote about going back,
';Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet, knowing how way leads onto way
I doubted if I should ever come back';
Even when we go back to re-make a decision, it is still not the same as the time we first encountered it. Our travel on the path has changed us, and we see that place, that decision, in a new light.
Mistakes are only bends in the road, and we can choose another bend any time. The mistakes make the trip educational, so regretting them is a waste of time.
How to change my life around?
People are saying i'm not funny, they say that I have no life, etc.
What are some good suggestions on changing... like what are some good things to do to get people to like you. And how to now be a slob.
ThanksHow to change my life around?
just copy those people who say you have no life. if you copy them, you could try to see through their point of view. then you might be able to change.How to change my life around?
be how you are when nobody is around you.
People can be real a**holes sometimes. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I wouldn't worry about what other people think of you, but what YOU think of yourself. Do you really think you need to change? If so, it should be based solely on your desire and not someone else's. You can always look to your local library for self help books if you want to learn how to attract more friends if that's what you really want.
Whenever someone tries to knock you down with their negativity, don't even give them the time of day. Think of all the good qualities you possess as a human being. You don't need to be around jerks who don't value you as a person.
Well - okay, it took me a while to actually answer your question.. Anyway..
If am to be you, I will obviously try to change myself.. They said Im not funny, then Ill try to be OR I will try to avoid conversations that will lead me making lame jokes.. They say I have no life, then I should try to do stuff and be more active with useful things - so, no one would think that I have no life..
Take those critics as something to turn you better as a person - don't take them as insults..,
But don't get too influenced by others' critics... Also, listen to yourself.. :)
Just be confident - you know that whatever you do is the best that you think is for you,
Personalities vary and change a bit over time depending on our associations. However, your underlying personality traits are reasonably constant.
If you are not hurting other people or yourself, generally you should not worry about what others think. We are happiest, in general when we are who we are.
My experience with some people who tell other how to live or to get a life, is that they lack some qualties they wish they had.
first of all, stop trying to be someone that you are not familiar with and stop listening to other people about your life. secondly, you know what needs to be changed in your life and you can do this for you, not for anyone else. we are all commanders of our own journey.short hair styles hair show
What are some good suggestions on changing... like what are some good things to do to get people to like you. And how to now be a slob.
ThanksHow to change my life around?
just copy those people who say you have no life. if you copy them, you could try to see through their point of view. then you might be able to change.How to change my life around?
be how you are when nobody is around you.
People can be real a**holes sometimes. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I wouldn't worry about what other people think of you, but what YOU think of yourself. Do you really think you need to change? If so, it should be based solely on your desire and not someone else's. You can always look to your local library for self help books if you want to learn how to attract more friends if that's what you really want.
Whenever someone tries to knock you down with their negativity, don't even give them the time of day. Think of all the good qualities you possess as a human being. You don't need to be around jerks who don't value you as a person.
Well - okay, it took me a while to actually answer your question.. Anyway..
If am to be you, I will obviously try to change myself.. They said Im not funny, then Ill try to be OR I will try to avoid conversations that will lead me making lame jokes.. They say I have no life, then I should try to do stuff and be more active with useful things - so, no one would think that I have no life..
Take those critics as something to turn you better as a person - don't take them as insults..,
But don't get too influenced by others' critics... Also, listen to yourself.. :)
Just be confident - you know that whatever you do is the best that you think is for you,
Personalities vary and change a bit over time depending on our associations. However, your underlying personality traits are reasonably constant.
If you are not hurting other people or yourself, generally you should not worry about what others think. We are happiest, in general when we are who we are.
My experience with some people who tell other how to live or to get a life, is that they lack some qualties they wish they had.
first of all, stop trying to be someone that you are not familiar with and stop listening to other people about your life. secondly, you know what needs to be changed in your life and you can do this for you, not for anyone else. we are all commanders of our own journey.
Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?
I am worried about my mother. It seems she has been very depressed lately , many factors include financial trouble, and the recent separation from her Husband. Can you give me some tips on how I can help her out.Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?
I am not sure the change of life alone can cause depressions, I think it usually comes together with other problems. No wonder you mom is depressed, separation from a spouse is terrible, at least the shock is like amputation and it takes awhile to recover. She needs good friends, good support groups, talk to other women who are in the same situation. Look here (I do not know where you live otherwise I would have looked for groups in your area but its no problem to find)
She needs to open a new page in her life both to boost her social life and her financial situation. Look for a job if she has none etc. Maybe she needs a bit of counseling? There are Free of charge counselors depending again on your location.
Its wonderful you want to help your mom, support is what she needs most.Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?
i would but i'm not a woman.......well, ok i will......get her some progesterone cream by Emerita, she'll feel great!!
I do empathise with your mum and I wish her well. It's the very reason I started this site to help women to rise above their problems. Read articles here:
good luck
Lots of systems are affected by the sudden drop/fluctuation in estrogen. Obviously physically, she may be tired, feeling 'run down', having trouble sleeping, headaches. Inside her pituitary glad- the body's chemical 'CPU', is on the fritz, and the drop in certain hormones can cause depression, something like what mothers call baby blues. The drop in estrogen allows other hormones to start driving, which isn't always a good thing. Depending on the order of events, the depression may have CAUSED the financial and marital trouble; it clouds the mind and makes it hard to make sensible decions. Of course regardless of that, those problems will only serve to make her depression worse. You probably ought to offer to take her to see a financial counseller, and suggest she go see an OB/GYN. A woman in her time of change should be examined for breast cancer, thyroid changes (also cause depression), and to make sure she hasn't any unusual problems with the ovaries. The issue of hormones, depression, and possible hormone replacement can be addressed with an OB/GYN. Lots of women are in denial of this phase, so tact and gentleness are best. Barring all of that, volunteering with kids does good for a lot of women, who seem to feel that their usefulness has expired. Girl Scouts is a good place to start for that.
I am not sure the change of life alone can cause depressions, I think it usually comes together with other problems. No wonder you mom is depressed, separation from a spouse is terrible, at least the shock is like amputation and it takes awhile to recover. She needs good friends, good support groups, talk to other women who are in the same situation. Look here (I do not know where you live otherwise I would have looked for groups in your area but its no problem to find)
She needs to open a new page in her life both to boost her social life and her financial situation. Look for a job if she has none etc. Maybe she needs a bit of counseling? There are Free of charge counselors depending again on your location.
Its wonderful you want to help your mom, support is what she needs most.Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?
i would but i'm not a woman.......well, ok i will......get her some progesterone cream by Emerita, she'll feel great!!
I do empathise with your mum and I wish her well. It's the very reason I started this site to help women to rise above their problems. Read articles here:
good luck
Lots of systems are affected by the sudden drop/fluctuation in estrogen. Obviously physically, she may be tired, feeling 'run down', having trouble sleeping, headaches. Inside her pituitary glad- the body's chemical 'CPU', is on the fritz, and the drop in certain hormones can cause depression, something like what mothers call baby blues. The drop in estrogen allows other hormones to start driving, which isn't always a good thing. Depending on the order of events, the depression may have CAUSED the financial and marital trouble; it clouds the mind and makes it hard to make sensible decions. Of course regardless of that, those problems will only serve to make her depression worse. You probably ought to offer to take her to see a financial counseller, and suggest she go see an OB/GYN. A woman in her time of change should be examined for breast cancer, thyroid changes (also cause depression), and to make sure she hasn't any unusual problems with the ovaries. The issue of hormones, depression, and possible hormone replacement can be addressed with an OB/GYN. Lots of women are in denial of this phase, so tact and gentleness are best. Barring all of that, volunteering with kids does good for a lot of women, who seem to feel that their usefulness has expired. Girl Scouts is a good place to start for that.
How can I change my life?
I feel depressed. I honestly don't have a best friend. I dont do anything on the weekends with anyone. I ask people to hang out and no one replies to my messages on Myspace. I'm on the internet most of the day. I'm a senior in high school. I just feel really really sad. I feel like I should be having the time of my life and I just feel like a really big loser.
How can I change my life?How can I change my life?
The reality is, most people don't actually have the time of their lives that they are supposed to their senior year, so don't feel too out of the loop. Second, how about joining a club at your school, or a non-profit that specializes in something you are interested in so you can automatically have something in common with the people you meet, and then things will just fall into place. Don't feel too bad, high school is hard, but it will all be over soon, don't forget. It is hard for everyone. How can I change my life?
Get up on a positive note and who cares what other people think of you.
You are a person that has feelings and you shouldn't care what people say or think of you
Good-luck and I've been there
I feel the same.. I'm only a sophomore but still. if your friends aren't replying to you.. maybe they aren't real friends? and depression sometimes can be helped with meds.. but most of the time it isn't the answer. Find something that interests you and get into it, if its art or music, or whatever. Try to socialize a little.. easier said than done allot of the time. But everything will be ok, at least your a senior, soon you'll go to college and you'll start a whole nother life
good luck :)
You join after school activities. That would help you make friends. I am sorry you are depressed. Maybe you should try asking people to thier face if they want to do something on the weekends. Do not be afraid of rejection, it is a part of life. You will be ok!
ya i no what u mean. but you have to just pout urself out there join somthing or find something u love and do it. also try to meet new people!!
Get over it,You dont have it as bad as I do, no one does
april,I'm so sorry,Hon. I'd offer you a seat if I had one. I think you just need to get out and socialize more. Become that social butterfly you've heard about. You are a senior in high school? This is about the time you've made a splash in society. Get yourself involved. What are some of your favorite hobbies? What are your interests? Now,I don't believe that. No best friend at all? Well,Then,Allow me to introduce myself. My name is David and it's an honor and a pleasure to make your acquaintance. If I were to meet you in person,I'd probably bow before you and offer to kiss your hand. I'm feel that I am just a gentleman at heart. Hon,You are not a loser and you shouldn't feel that way about yourself. You want me to let you in on a secret? You've had a friend here all the time,He just hadn't found you in a while. I'm sorry I haven't met you before. If ever you feel like you need someone to talk to. I want you to come to me,Alright? april,I know how this feels. I've felt this way most of my life. But I've done something about it and now I feel that I am blessed with the most friends a guy could ever ask for. I'd like you to be my friend too. I would be so honored to be your friend. april,I am feeling quite sleepy. You have a goodnight and God bless. Bye for now.
I read this a few times before I felt I should make an attempt to answer you, because I want to be as honest as I can. First of all, stop living your life on line. Get off your computer and ask people in person. Talk to the kids in school at school and make plans at school. If you still don't get a response then join a club. Join something where there will be young adults your age where you can make friends. What are your interests? Find something in your community that you can do and there you will meet people your own age with things you will already have in common. You are right when you say you should be having the time of your life, but you can't be when you are sitting behind the computer. I don't know where you live or what your situation is, but if you have a car and can take yourself places then do it. Just go someplace. Even if its for short periods of time. Join the Y. They give great student discounts and there are a ton of kids your age there that are just waiting to meet you. Join a church youth group. Also remember there is life after high school honey. High school is just a warehouse really. College is where you can bloom and really be who you are meant to be.
How can I change my life?How can I change my life?
The reality is, most people don't actually have the time of their lives that they are supposed to their senior year, so don't feel too out of the loop. Second, how about joining a club at your school, or a non-profit that specializes in something you are interested in so you can automatically have something in common with the people you meet, and then things will just fall into place. Don't feel too bad, high school is hard, but it will all be over soon, don't forget. It is hard for everyone. How can I change my life?
Get up on a positive note and who cares what other people think of you.
You are a person that has feelings and you shouldn't care what people say or think of you
Good-luck and I've been there
I feel the same.. I'm only a sophomore but still. if your friends aren't replying to you.. maybe they aren't real friends? and depression sometimes can be helped with meds.. but most of the time it isn't the answer. Find something that interests you and get into it, if its art or music, or whatever. Try to socialize a little.. easier said than done allot of the time. But everything will be ok, at least your a senior, soon you'll go to college and you'll start a whole nother life
good luck :)
You join after school activities. That would help you make friends. I am sorry you are depressed. Maybe you should try asking people to thier face if they want to do something on the weekends. Do not be afraid of rejection, it is a part of life. You will be ok!
ya i no what u mean. but you have to just pout urself out there join somthing or find something u love and do it. also try to meet new people!!
Get over it,You dont have it as bad as I do, no one does
april,I'm so sorry,Hon. I'd offer you a seat if I had one. I think you just need to get out and socialize more. Become that social butterfly you've heard about. You are a senior in high school? This is about the time you've made a splash in society. Get yourself involved. What are some of your favorite hobbies? What are your interests? Now,I don't believe that. No best friend at all? Well,Then,Allow me to introduce myself. My name is David and it's an honor and a pleasure to make your acquaintance. If I were to meet you in person,I'd probably bow before you and offer to kiss your hand. I'm feel that I am just a gentleman at heart. Hon,You are not a loser and you shouldn't feel that way about yourself. You want me to let you in on a secret? You've had a friend here all the time,He just hadn't found you in a while. I'm sorry I haven't met you before. If ever you feel like you need someone to talk to. I want you to come to me,Alright? april,I know how this feels. I've felt this way most of my life. But I've done something about it and now I feel that I am blessed with the most friends a guy could ever ask for. I'd like you to be my friend too. I would be so honored to be your friend. april,I am feeling quite sleepy. You have a goodnight and God bless. Bye for now.
I read this a few times before I felt I should make an attempt to answer you, because I want to be as honest as I can. First of all, stop living your life on line. Get off your computer and ask people in person. Talk to the kids in school at school and make plans at school. If you still don't get a response then join a club. Join something where there will be young adults your age where you can make friends. What are your interests? Find something in your community that you can do and there you will meet people your own age with things you will already have in common. You are right when you say you should be having the time of your life, but you can't be when you are sitting behind the computer. I don't know where you live or what your situation is, but if you have a car and can take yourself places then do it. Just go someplace. Even if its for short periods of time. Join the Y. They give great student discounts and there are a ton of kids your age there that are just waiting to meet you. Join a church youth group. Also remember there is life after high school honey. High school is just a warehouse really. College is where you can bloom and really be who you are meant to be.
How did Barack Obama change your life?
I am overjoyed that Barack Obama is our new President. He promised to reduce my taxes, because I do not make as much money as wealthy people do. And he will give raises to all teachers and he will improve students' grades.How did Barack Obama change your life?
Well let's see...
He's put my children %26amp; future grandchildren in a debt that they will never be able to pay off.
He takes the money I work for %26amp; ships it over seas for abortion.
He will make my children do community service against their will with HR 1388
He's taking money that I work for %26amp; giving it to somebody who doesn't so that they can pay their mortgage %26amp; their children can have health care .
Thanks for asking.How did Barack Obama change your life?
Wait for your energy bill soon to come- It will OUTRAGE YOU! Obama is putting coal industry out of business- HALF our energy comes from Coal!
Wait- your energy bill my even TRIPLE! Is that gonna help that 8 dollars a week? Gas prices will also rise big time! Espeically when a war breaks out in the middle east.
He ruined my life and his NCAA bracket beat mine
I was glad to see the White House out of GOP hands. That was a welcome change. In three months time I haven't seen a big change in my day to day life. I would not expect to no matter who won.
He increased taxes on my beloved cigars. He has raised my income taxes. And, he has made abortion available 24/7 at his chain of drive through abortion clinics ' ';Barack's Chop Shops';.
For the worse? Hell i dont have time to type all the reasons...
You answered your own question. He promised.....he will....he will..let me know when that changes to he did....he did....he did
Well, the only things that have made an impact on my life since Obama was elected was that my hubby got laid off 2 months ago, and my office is cutting back our hours starting April 27th.
Other than that, Obama has done nothing for me, except make me second guess that third child I wanted to have.
You are out of touch Madam.
LOL.... he brought change alright, that's all you'll see from the stimulus package, Change (nickels, dimes and pennies. Don't expect quarters that is way too much).
They all voted against McSame because he
Supported the wars and would not end them.
Would increase government spending.
Take special interest group money.
Looks like you voted for Mc Cains twin, and your happy about that?
I did cut a reduction in my taxes.... but its much too early to be making delcarations... I'm glad there are some people who are feeling some of the early effects.
i cant use the beacuse im black excuse now,or say we still havent got a black pres yet.
I guess you've missed the controversies in Colorado and California over state budget cuts for education....
but, hey, keep wearing those rose colored glasses.
Depression, mood swings, dependence on acedomenophin (Tylenol). Constant swelling, irritation, bloating, nausea, stroke, and temporary paralysis of the legs.
If you want to help me as an individual and many who are suffering like me, please don't hesistate. Impeach Obama.
Well, I'm 20 years old and my unborn children are already tens of thousands of dollars in debt thanks to massive government spending.
There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of big brother
He made that bad man...George Bush...go away.
in history
aha ah ah h hahahahhahah
Just the fact that the republicans are out is change enough for me.
Well let's see...
He's put my children %26amp; future grandchildren in a debt that they will never be able to pay off.
He takes the money I work for %26amp; ships it over seas for abortion.
He will make my children do community service against their will with HR 1388
He's taking money that I work for %26amp; giving it to somebody who doesn't so that they can pay their mortgage %26amp; their children can have health care .
Thanks for asking.How did Barack Obama change your life?
Wait for your energy bill soon to come- It will OUTRAGE YOU! Obama is putting coal industry out of business- HALF our energy comes from Coal!
Wait- your energy bill my even TRIPLE! Is that gonna help that 8 dollars a week? Gas prices will also rise big time! Espeically when a war breaks out in the middle east.
He ruined my life and his NCAA bracket beat mine
I was glad to see the White House out of GOP hands. That was a welcome change. In three months time I haven't seen a big change in my day to day life. I would not expect to no matter who won.
He increased taxes on my beloved cigars. He has raised my income taxes. And, he has made abortion available 24/7 at his chain of drive through abortion clinics ' ';Barack's Chop Shops';.
For the worse? Hell i dont have time to type all the reasons...
You answered your own question. He promised.....he will....he will..let me know when that changes to he did....he did....he did
Well, the only things that have made an impact on my life since Obama was elected was that my hubby got laid off 2 months ago, and my office is cutting back our hours starting April 27th.
Other than that, Obama has done nothing for me, except make me second guess that third child I wanted to have.
You are out of touch Madam.
LOL.... he brought change alright, that's all you'll see from the stimulus package, Change (nickels, dimes and pennies. Don't expect quarters that is way too much).
They all voted against McSame because he
Supported the wars and would not end them.
Would increase government spending.
Take special interest group money.
Looks like you voted for Mc Cains twin, and your happy about that?
I did cut a reduction in my taxes.... but its much too early to be making delcarations... I'm glad there are some people who are feeling some of the early effects.
i cant use the beacuse im black excuse now,or say we still havent got a black pres yet.
I guess you've missed the controversies in Colorado and California over state budget cuts for education....
but, hey, keep wearing those rose colored glasses.
Depression, mood swings, dependence on acedomenophin (Tylenol). Constant swelling, irritation, bloating, nausea, stroke, and temporary paralysis of the legs.
If you want to help me as an individual and many who are suffering like me, please don't hesistate. Impeach Obama.
Well, I'm 20 years old and my unborn children are already tens of thousands of dollars in debt thanks to massive government spending.
There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of big brother
He made that bad man...George Bush...go away.
in history
aha ah ah h hahahahhahah
Just the fact that the republicans are out is change enough for me.
How do I change my life when I dont have the courage to?
I have a university degree and job experience but would like to start my own business. Businessplan is set, but am not able to make the last step(s)...ughhh. How do you overcome the fear of failing?How do I change my life when I dont have the courage to?
Boy ohboy ohboy do I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I've been there. I'm 50 years old and made some major changes in my life. Scared stiff.
This will help. I swear.
Read this book.
The Power of Self-Coaching by Joseph Luciani.
It's not one of those self help books that are all touchy feely. What the author does is help you to determine what you're feeling, what's holding you back, the patterns of behavior that you've been living by, the self talk that you've been beating yourself up with - and then provides concrete steps to recognize and make changes in your life.
It's not hard and doesn't take a lot of time. By the way, the author technique doesn't care what made you the way you are, the trauma or wounds you suffered. It just tells you what to do right now to make signifcant changes in the way you feel and deal with the world.
Tell me if I'm right..... The reason why you're stuck is self doubt and its resultant need for control. (Control being - knowing where the perceived ';danger'; lies and trying to prevent a disaster from happening.)
If you read this book and incorporate the simple actions in your life it will make a difference. I swear.
I feel bad for you, because I know what you're going through. You can do it.
Let me know how you make out.How do I change my life when I dont have the courage to?
When the feeling of regret out weighs the fear of failing. I mean what are you waiting for? Is there a way you can ';test the waters'; It does not have to be all or nothing.
What is it about the last steps that scares you? You could succeed far beyond your wildest dreams.
And if you ';fail'; then you know what? You tried. And it is not necessarily failure. Maybe your original plan needs tweeking. I think you fail yourself when you don't just do it (I know that is so cliche' but it is true).
There are tons of people out there that will want to shoot you down for starting your own business...don't be one of those people. Just go for it (gosh I am full of cliche's this morning!)
Good luck!
Type A
What scares you more, the prospect of failing or the prospect of spending your life in jobs that don't satisfying you and getting to the end of it thinking ';I really wish I'd done that.';
Make sure you have done your best to ensure the sucess of your business. Are you properly financed? How are you going to advertise? Get as much information as you can so you know what the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. Then go for it, even if you do fail at least you can say you tried, and think positive, you may be a stunning sucess. Even if you just managed to make a living doing something you enjoy rather than working for somebody else that is a sucess. What's the worst that can happen............well I'll tell you, you'll get old wondering if you could have made it and if you do that you will definitely have failed without even beginning.
Good luck
First try this website for some motivation http://urbanmotivator.blogspot.com
Second, Im sure you've heard that there is nothing to fear but fear itself right. Well there you go the last step is the scariest step I know because I've been there. I've started businesses two of which had failed horribly. But what made do it again was the excitement of what could achieve if I made it.
The only way to overcome the fear of falling is to fall. Even if you make it and become very successful you might never ever fall, so you wont know how it feels.
Go through with your plan, but take baby steps and dont rush it. Treat your business like your baby and that you want it to be successful when it grows up. Try to also get either a business coach or mentor or even join an affiliation if you havent already. Now if its success you fear then repeat steps 1 to 3.
Good Luck
I know the feeling, but I have an opportunity that you may be interested in. Please send me a message back if you like more information about starting your own business
Boy ohboy ohboy do I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I've been there. I'm 50 years old and made some major changes in my life. Scared stiff.
This will help. I swear.
Read this book.
The Power of Self-Coaching by Joseph Luciani.
It's not one of those self help books that are all touchy feely. What the author does is help you to determine what you're feeling, what's holding you back, the patterns of behavior that you've been living by, the self talk that you've been beating yourself up with - and then provides concrete steps to recognize and make changes in your life.
It's not hard and doesn't take a lot of time. By the way, the author technique doesn't care what made you the way you are, the trauma or wounds you suffered. It just tells you what to do right now to make signifcant changes in the way you feel and deal with the world.
Tell me if I'm right..... The reason why you're stuck is self doubt and its resultant need for control. (Control being - knowing where the perceived ';danger'; lies and trying to prevent a disaster from happening.)
If you read this book and incorporate the simple actions in your life it will make a difference. I swear.
I feel bad for you, because I know what you're going through. You can do it.
Let me know how you make out.How do I change my life when I dont have the courage to?
When the feeling of regret out weighs the fear of failing. I mean what are you waiting for? Is there a way you can ';test the waters'; It does not have to be all or nothing.
What is it about the last steps that scares you? You could succeed far beyond your wildest dreams.
And if you ';fail'; then you know what? You tried. And it is not necessarily failure. Maybe your original plan needs tweeking. I think you fail yourself when you don't just do it (I know that is so cliche' but it is true).
There are tons of people out there that will want to shoot you down for starting your own business...don't be one of those people. Just go for it (gosh I am full of cliche's this morning!)
Good luck!
Type A
What scares you more, the prospect of failing or the prospect of spending your life in jobs that don't satisfying you and getting to the end of it thinking ';I really wish I'd done that.';
Make sure you have done your best to ensure the sucess of your business. Are you properly financed? How are you going to advertise? Get as much information as you can so you know what the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. Then go for it, even if you do fail at least you can say you tried, and think positive, you may be a stunning sucess. Even if you just managed to make a living doing something you enjoy rather than working for somebody else that is a sucess. What's the worst that can happen............well I'll tell you, you'll get old wondering if you could have made it and if you do that you will definitely have failed without even beginning.
Good luck
First try this website for some motivation http://urbanmotivator.blogspot.com
Second, Im sure you've heard that there is nothing to fear but fear itself right. Well there you go the last step is the scariest step I know because I've been there. I've started businesses two of which had failed horribly. But what made do it again was the excitement of what could achieve if I made it.
The only way to overcome the fear of falling is to fall. Even if you make it and become very successful you might never ever fall, so you wont know how it feels.
Go through with your plan, but take baby steps and dont rush it. Treat your business like your baby and that you want it to be successful when it grows up. Try to also get either a business coach or mentor or even join an affiliation if you havent already. Now if its success you fear then repeat steps 1 to 3.
Good Luck
I know the feeling, but I have an opportunity that you may be interested in. Please send me a message back if you like more information about starting your own business
How can I change my life?
I am a junior in high school and I want to change somethings about myself. I want to lose some weight... about thirty pounds, tone and have a great body ( I am about 35 pounds over my healthy weight).
I want to find motivations, get good grades and help others. How can I do all of this, I know I can, I just need some tips!How can I change my life?
Try to eat a healthy diet, reduce your fat or carb intake and get lots of exercise(don't over exercise or starve yourself).
Make a study timetable for yourself laying out times and subjects that you want to study, make space for your exercise routines(at least 30-45 mins 3 times a week).Make space for recreation too-remember all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. A time table will help you to keep organized. Try as much as possible to follow it.
As for helping others-you don't have to donate thousands of dollars to charity to make someone's life better. Look around your school/community there must be somebody who needs help for example a quiet kid who no one really talks to,befriend that person.You never know you might become best friends.You could also give a few dollars to the church or a homeless person,you could help kids with reading and math,you could help clean up the environment by encouraging ppl not to litter...as you can see the list is endless.Its the little things that count. Good luck!How can I change my life?
Go on a diet and exercise for your weight. Start studying big time for those grades. Be more open-minded for the beneficence. The end goal is golden, my friend. Remember that you will be changed, gain more respect from others, and feel just so much better about yourself. This should all motivate you.
Well you already have long term goals in mind so that's good. Think of your short term goals. Such as: You want to work out for 20 minutes 3 days a week or something like that. Make up a schedule for yourself, but make sure it's something you know you can follow. Don't make outrageous goals that you know you wouldn't have the time or energy to do. For grades, set about a time to study for a certain amount of time. Sometimes having friends motivate or keep you on track help too.waxing hair removal creams cable tv to computer monitor
I want to find motivations, get good grades and help others. How can I do all of this, I know I can, I just need some tips!How can I change my life?
Try to eat a healthy diet, reduce your fat or carb intake and get lots of exercise(don't over exercise or starve yourself).
Make a study timetable for yourself laying out times and subjects that you want to study, make space for your exercise routines(at least 30-45 mins 3 times a week).Make space for recreation too-remember all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. A time table will help you to keep organized. Try as much as possible to follow it.
As for helping others-you don't have to donate thousands of dollars to charity to make someone's life better. Look around your school/community there must be somebody who needs help for example a quiet kid who no one really talks to,befriend that person.You never know you might become best friends.You could also give a few dollars to the church or a homeless person,you could help kids with reading and math,you could help clean up the environment by encouraging ppl not to litter...as you can see the list is endless.Its the little things that count. Good luck!How can I change my life?
Go on a diet and exercise for your weight. Start studying big time for those grades. Be more open-minded for the beneficence. The end goal is golden, my friend. Remember that you will be changed, gain more respect from others, and feel just so much better about yourself. This should all motivate you.
Well you already have long term goals in mind so that's good. Think of your short term goals. Such as: You want to work out for 20 minutes 3 days a week or something like that. Make up a schedule for yourself, but make sure it's something you know you can follow. Don't make outrageous goals that you know you wouldn't have the time or energy to do. For grades, set about a time to study for a certain amount of time. Sometimes having friends motivate or keep you on track help too.
How can I change my life in one day?
It is not that dramatic but my procrastination and laziness is REALLY catching up to me. How can I quickly turn it around before I fail my next midterm?How can I change my life in one day?
One must learn to forgive one-self, knuckle down, and get back to work.
Procrastination and laziness never accomplished anything.
When one comes to this 'realization', ones life will be changed instantaneously!
This 'realization' must be made permanent, if one is to succeed.
Been there, done that.....
Personal experience can be the toughest of teachers.....
Shanti (Peace),How can I change my life in one day?
The answer to this is just so simple its scary...Do the opposite of what has not worked for you...needing to ask a question as simple as this after already failing a midterm makes me wonder how you were able to make it to college in the first place.
Join the military.
If your procrastination and laziness is Really catching up with you, you should go jogging daily, so that you can ';run'; faster then it.
You have to make the choice to make the change! Untill you really make that choice you will continuee to fail.
Prioritize. If passing really is that important to you, you'd make an effort to stop being lazy and procrastinating, and start to study. Since you posted this question asking how to stop being this way, it means you do care and you do want to pass. If you do badly enough, you'll find a way to overcome this laziness. Being lazy and procrastinating gets you nowhere! I know studying might take alot of your energy and time but it is really worth it in the end! If you pass, you'll actually get somewhere in life. If you go on being lazy and procrastinating, you're going nowhere fast. Remember this all the time. It should help you overcome these feelings.
All you need to do is discipline yourself, this will take constant effort.
Change in a moment.
Decision and commitment.
In every new moment be the greatest version of the highest vision you have ever had of yourself.
One must learn to forgive one-self, knuckle down, and get back to work.
Procrastination and laziness never accomplished anything.
When one comes to this 'realization', ones life will be changed instantaneously!
This 'realization' must be made permanent, if one is to succeed.
Been there, done that.....
Personal experience can be the toughest of teachers.....
Shanti (Peace),How can I change my life in one day?
The answer to this is just so simple its scary...Do the opposite of what has not worked for you...needing to ask a question as simple as this after already failing a midterm makes me wonder how you were able to make it to college in the first place.
Join the military.
If your procrastination and laziness is Really catching up with you, you should go jogging daily, so that you can ';run'; faster then it.
You have to make the choice to make the change! Untill you really make that choice you will continuee to fail.
Prioritize. If passing really is that important to you, you'd make an effort to stop being lazy and procrastinating, and start to study. Since you posted this question asking how to stop being this way, it means you do care and you do want to pass. If you do badly enough, you'll find a way to overcome this laziness. Being lazy and procrastinating gets you nowhere! I know studying might take alot of your energy and time but it is really worth it in the end! If you pass, you'll actually get somewhere in life. If you go on being lazy and procrastinating, you're going nowhere fast. Remember this all the time. It should help you overcome these feelings.
All you need to do is discipline yourself, this will take constant effort.
Change in a moment.
Decision and commitment.
In every new moment be the greatest version of the highest vision you have ever had of yourself.
How can I change my life for the better?
I want to stop caring what people think of me and just discover myself and meet people i can spend time with and be happy. That is all i want.How can I change my life for the better?
ok to start doing this i would suggest to look at your mates, are they dragging you behind?. also u have to look in yourself to make changes to let yourself do that. build up your confidence and then do it but take it one step at a time
ok to start doing this i would suggest to look at your mates, are they dragging you behind?. also u have to look in yourself to make changes to let yourself do that. build up your confidence and then do it but take it one step at a time
How are the Democrats taking over going to change my life?
I am a teen Republican and usually I just use the title Republican because that is what my parents are. I could really care less about government or whose running our country it hasn't affected my personal or family life, but you Democrats complained so much about Republicans in government and I was just wondering how Democrats are going to make my life better (so they say)?How are the Democrats taking over going to change my life?
Pre-empting daytime TV for endless hearings and investigations while they accomplish nothing in Washington, the economy begins to wane as taxes kick in and expenditures on social programs increase at the expense of defense and national security. Not wanting to deal with the terrorists in their backyard just means they will come to play in ours. And probably illegal aliens will get amnesty making those who applied legally for citizenship look foolish. At some point someone will realize our international influence has a great deal to do with our food production in this country, and the UN will try and take control of our farm produce. We already have lost most of our freedom of speech if it doesn't agree with the left. The careful avoidance of the gun control issue by democrats just means they have learned their lesson not to take on the NRA. the question will be can they last two years, until the Presidential race, before going liberal? I hope I am completely wrong, but I remember what the democrats were doing before 1994 when they had been in control of both houses for decades. Had the ';rising tide'; of eager young republicans kept the last of the pledges of the ';contract with America';, ';term limits'; and rotated out of office then they might not have been defeated as badly by the ';change'; attitude, or as complacent with status qou. The success of illegal immigrant and private property rights ballot measures in states that went democrat prove the republicans weren't paying attention to what were traditionally middle class values, democrat or republican. I think most people are just hoping for PROGRESS, low taxes, lower energy costs, some kind of peace (isolation is a utopian dream, 9/11 reminded us), so that life and prosperity can go on. But the influx of illegal immigrants to work cheap and demand benefits and exodus of good jobs, must be dealt with.How are the Democrats taking over going to change my life?
Quite honestly,
I am a republican, though so is my father.
Why should the money we earn go to
the lazy people that never consider getting jobs??
Stand by for much higher taxes, and much more government intrusion into your life.
1.You won't be forced to observe any certain religion.
2. Nobody up in your womb.
3. Nobody lying to start a war.
4. Nobody cares if you love a man or a woman. They know it doesn't affect them and it's none of their business.
(Strange, they claim to be ';less government'; yet they want to legislate these things)
5. If a hurricane blew through your city, you'd be allowed to evacuate, not forced at gunpoint to die on a bridge.
I think the Dems will improve the social issues, maybe be more honest with the voters, Improve the Health care system, Improve the voting system so all votes are counted fairly. probably another dozen issues, but it won't be easy with the President who is on the other side.
Your life ?.....ours life ......selfish Republican
1) Pull out of Iraq
2) Raise taxes
3) Approve gay marriage - Ewwwwwwwwwwww !!!!
4) Appoint Pelosi - Pro-partial birth abortion
5) Nothing much
6) Ban Christmas altogether
7) Ignore border control
8) Spank John Kerry - much needed!
9) Bash Fox news - as always
10) Hug the trees - as always
Good luck!!!!
expect to start paying more for things and get paid less at work...
It does decrease the likelihood of an invasion of Iran, which means you will not have to worry about a draft. Also, the Republicans have done a great job of forming the kind of government they expect to have- bloated, inefficient, and money-sucking. If the Dems can manage to bring fiscal responsibility back to the US, you will have a better chance of finding a job, particularly a well-paying one. Also, the Dems want to help out college students by making it easier for low-income students get the governmental grants and loans. Unless your parents are filthy rich, you will be relying on aid to get you through school. If you travel abroad, you'll get a kinder reception after this. The world hates Bush, and with good reason, and is breathing a sigh of relief that he's just been rendered ineffective.
The government does have a huge effect on our daily lives, for better or worse. I've watched, over the past few years, as our country has gone from a position of peace, prosperity, and power, to it being corrupt, scandal ridden, and leaking money like a gambling addict in Vegas. Pre-Bush, New Orleans would never have drowned. Under Clinton, FEMA was adequately funded and headed by people who knew what they were doing. Their disaster response was much better. Pre-Bush, we had a budget surplus, which meant a healthy economy. Investors get nervous when we have to borrow lots of money from places like China. When we don't, they feel relaxed, happy, and ready to take the risks to help our economy grow.
I can't believe it will improve your life because most of them won by mud slinging and pure confusion but sorry to say both sides were guilty of this and then you can look for more terrorism and higher taxes and above all I'm afraid our Lord Jesus will be left completely out of what our forefathers began
An excellent question. Democrats can't make your life better. Nor can Republicans for that matter. The most either can do is provide for national security. That is probably the big debate of the next decade. How to do it? Fight terrorism or placate terrorists. Each person is ultimately responsible for making change in their lives.
Just look at the state of our country now and then again when you become old enough to vote and you will assuredly vote republican. Pay attention to home sales, interest rates, inflation, taxes, and the unemployment rate. These things will affect you directly. I wasn't a republican until I actually started paying attention to what was happening from both sides.
they will get you killed by there coward secular plans
Pre-empting daytime TV for endless hearings and investigations while they accomplish nothing in Washington, the economy begins to wane as taxes kick in and expenditures on social programs increase at the expense of defense and national security. Not wanting to deal with the terrorists in their backyard just means they will come to play in ours. And probably illegal aliens will get amnesty making those who applied legally for citizenship look foolish. At some point someone will realize our international influence has a great deal to do with our food production in this country, and the UN will try and take control of our farm produce. We already have lost most of our freedom of speech if it doesn't agree with the left. The careful avoidance of the gun control issue by democrats just means they have learned their lesson not to take on the NRA. the question will be can they last two years, until the Presidential race, before going liberal? I hope I am completely wrong, but I remember what the democrats were doing before 1994 when they had been in control of both houses for decades. Had the ';rising tide'; of eager young republicans kept the last of the pledges of the ';contract with America';, ';term limits'; and rotated out of office then they might not have been defeated as badly by the ';change'; attitude, or as complacent with status qou. The success of illegal immigrant and private property rights ballot measures in states that went democrat prove the republicans weren't paying attention to what were traditionally middle class values, democrat or republican. I think most people are just hoping for PROGRESS, low taxes, lower energy costs, some kind of peace (isolation is a utopian dream, 9/11 reminded us), so that life and prosperity can go on. But the influx of illegal immigrants to work cheap and demand benefits and exodus of good jobs, must be dealt with.How are the Democrats taking over going to change my life?
Quite honestly,
I am a republican, though so is my father.
Why should the money we earn go to
the lazy people that never consider getting jobs??
Report Abuse
Stand by for much higher taxes, and much more government intrusion into your life.
1.You won't be forced to observe any certain religion.
2. Nobody up in your womb.
3. Nobody lying to start a war.
4. Nobody cares if you love a man or a woman. They know it doesn't affect them and it's none of their business.
(Strange, they claim to be ';less government'; yet they want to legislate these things)
5. If a hurricane blew through your city, you'd be allowed to evacuate, not forced at gunpoint to die on a bridge.
I think the Dems will improve the social issues, maybe be more honest with the voters, Improve the Health care system, Improve the voting system so all votes are counted fairly. probably another dozen issues, but it won't be easy with the President who is on the other side.
Your life ?.....ours life ......selfish Republican
1) Pull out of Iraq
2) Raise taxes
3) Approve gay marriage - Ewwwwwwwwwwww !!!!
4) Appoint Pelosi - Pro-partial birth abortion
5) Nothing much
6) Ban Christmas altogether
7) Ignore border control
8) Spank John Kerry - much needed!
9) Bash Fox news - as always
10) Hug the trees - as always
Good luck!!!!
expect to start paying more for things and get paid less at work...
It does decrease the likelihood of an invasion of Iran, which means you will not have to worry about a draft. Also, the Republicans have done a great job of forming the kind of government they expect to have- bloated, inefficient, and money-sucking. If the Dems can manage to bring fiscal responsibility back to the US, you will have a better chance of finding a job, particularly a well-paying one. Also, the Dems want to help out college students by making it easier for low-income students get the governmental grants and loans. Unless your parents are filthy rich, you will be relying on aid to get you through school. If you travel abroad, you'll get a kinder reception after this. The world hates Bush, and with good reason, and is breathing a sigh of relief that he's just been rendered ineffective.
The government does have a huge effect on our daily lives, for better or worse. I've watched, over the past few years, as our country has gone from a position of peace, prosperity, and power, to it being corrupt, scandal ridden, and leaking money like a gambling addict in Vegas. Pre-Bush, New Orleans would never have drowned. Under Clinton, FEMA was adequately funded and headed by people who knew what they were doing. Their disaster response was much better. Pre-Bush, we had a budget surplus, which meant a healthy economy. Investors get nervous when we have to borrow lots of money from places like China. When we don't, they feel relaxed, happy, and ready to take the risks to help our economy grow.
I can't believe it will improve your life because most of them won by mud slinging and pure confusion but sorry to say both sides were guilty of this and then you can look for more terrorism and higher taxes and above all I'm afraid our Lord Jesus will be left completely out of what our forefathers began
An excellent question. Democrats can't make your life better. Nor can Republicans for that matter. The most either can do is provide for national security. That is probably the big debate of the next decade. How to do it? Fight terrorism or placate terrorists. Each person is ultimately responsible for making change in their lives.
Just look at the state of our country now and then again when you become old enough to vote and you will assuredly vote republican. Pay attention to home sales, interest rates, inflation, taxes, and the unemployment rate. These things will affect you directly. I wasn't a republican until I actually started paying attention to what was happening from both sides.
they will get you killed by there coward secular plans
How can I change my life?
I am a junior in high school and I want to change somethings about myself. I want to lose some weight... about thirty pounds, tone and have a great body ( I am about 35 pounds over my healthy weight).
I want to find motivations, get good grades and help others. How can I do all of this, I know I can, I just need some tips!How can I change my life?
If you know you can, then just do it!
I want to find motivations, get good grades and help others. How can I do all of this, I know I can, I just need some tips!How can I change my life?
If you know you can, then just do it!
How do women get through the change of life without HRT?
Saw my doctor last night to discuss the menopause (which has been confirmed by blood tests). He is reluctant to prescribe Hormone Replacement Treatment as I have high blood pressure which he prescribed medication for instead. I get the sweats during the day which is really embarrassing cause I work in an office and have to keep having a quick blast of my desk fan. Has anyone got any real suggestions how I can combat this. Thanks.How do women get through the change of life without HRT?
If you are symptomatic, and many very fortunate women do sail though the menopause with few symptoms, then HRT has never been bettered as a method of relieving symptoms. Only yesterday I read a journal article critical of its current under-use due to a failure to balance risk with benefit. Both patients and doctors are almost as guilty in this respect.
If your blood pressure is controlled and of course it should be, you can still be prescribed HRT. If as it seems your GP is very unsure of his ground, ask him to refer you to a Specialist Menopausal Clinic. Here you will get all the information as to both the risks and the benefits for you as an individual.How do women get through the change of life without HRT?
Some women have HRT but I reckon this, while effective, delays the symptoms, I have a friend who had none until she came off HRT.
My mother soldiered on, but it wasn't pleasant.
She said it was best when she was busy or engrossed in something,mind off herself sort of thing.
We didn't notice the hot flushes unless she called attention to them!
There are some natural therapies out there. One of them being Vitex and one called Women's Balance (containing paeonia, Rehmannia, Dong Quia, Cyperus, Black Cohosh). i would seek the help of a Naturopath for their opinion.home theater get rid of acne and blackheads
If you are symptomatic, and many very fortunate women do sail though the menopause with few symptoms, then HRT has never been bettered as a method of relieving symptoms. Only yesterday I read a journal article critical of its current under-use due to a failure to balance risk with benefit. Both patients and doctors are almost as guilty in this respect.
If your blood pressure is controlled and of course it should be, you can still be prescribed HRT. If as it seems your GP is very unsure of his ground, ask him to refer you to a Specialist Menopausal Clinic. Here you will get all the information as to both the risks and the benefits for you as an individual.How do women get through the change of life without HRT?
Some women have HRT but I reckon this, while effective, delays the symptoms, I have a friend who had none until she came off HRT.
My mother soldiered on, but it wasn't pleasant.
She said it was best when she was busy or engrossed in something,mind off herself sort of thing.
We didn't notice the hot flushes unless she called attention to them!
There are some natural therapies out there. One of them being Vitex and one called Women's Balance (containing paeonia, Rehmannia, Dong Quia, Cyperus, Black Cohosh). i would seek the help of a Naturopath for their opinion.
Hi, im a 14 year old guy turning 15 soon and im wondering how can i change my life around.?
I would love to get better grades, get a good hairstyle and make it far in life. Any tips?Hi, im a 14 year old guy turning 15 soon and im wondering how can i change my life around.?
Read interesting books and discover things. You never know i mean if somebody asked you something they don't know and you know it, it really feels great and a lot of people will find you very interesting and it can also make you popular! You can change your hairstyle on something new like what you were thinking of doing! It can really feel great!
Good luck!Hi, im a 14 year old guy turning 15 soon and im wondering how can i change my life around.?
study. cut your hair and run really fast.
problem solved.
First change your name to something less vulgar. The rest just do it get a planner and write down your homework then set a time to do it every night. Go to a salon and tell them you want something different.
make sure that right after you get home for school you do you homework and make sure its 100%!
Next time you get your hair cut get like a cool one
Well to improve grade how about a tutor you like to help you under sand thing better
a hair style well look on-line and and search what ones you like, there are magazines that are about hair styles
for making it in like well set up a list of future goals of what you like to do, what you want to do, what you have to do, and so on. post then above you r bed so every night you fall asleep looking at them.
Good grades:
During class, take notes on not only what the teacher is writing, but what they are saying. If you want, you can use different colored pens for titles, definitions, important information, and so on.
Have a calender in the front of your binder, or in an agenda. As the teacher is telling you about an assignment (small or large), write it in the calender, then write the instructions in your notebook. You can even fold the page corner down to mark that it's an assignment. Write the due date as well, and write the due date on the calender o remind yourself. Check the calender everyday when you start your homework.
Have a folder for finished assignments! This will help so much. When you finish an assignment, put it in the folder RIGHT AWAY! Staple it if it's more than 1 page, and write your name on it.
Have a memory stick with you EVERYWHERE. Keep it in your backpack. This is so if you have a project at school, you don't rely on email to work for you to bring it home.
Pay bloody attention in class! This is so important. You'll probably think ';Oh one class won't matter..';. It usually does! If you have trouble staying awake, ask if you can go to the washroom, and splash some cold water in your face. Yuo can also blink a lot because that gets blood flowing. Pinching yourself works too. Do not sleep!!
Hair style:
Short is best. I'm not going to lie. Ask your hairstylist what would look best, and if she/he is good, they can offer you some advice for your face shape and color.
School popularity isn't what decides your future...it's how you present yourself and how you grow from the experiences you have. Best of luck :)
Find out what interests you and research about it. Build it into a hobby somehow and you got something to kill time on. Like everyone else is saying, a planner is the way to go. At our school we have to have one. A hairstyle is a harder one... Go for something not necessarily overused (scene, buzzcut, hair flip, etc.) but isn't so in-your-face it will freak people out. Keep it original and noticable yet not outrageous and overdone. Sometime tweeking a style will make it yours. For me, my hair flips (like a Zach Efron, don't know it's name) diagnally and covers my eye (a scene thing.) But whatever looks good to you is good.
1. The fact that you're concerned about it is a good start
2. Turning your life around requires you to have long range goals. A good hairstyle (although nice) is not a long range goal. You can knock that off in a day.
3. You MUST develop the discipline to listen in class and do your homework. Now THAT is a long range goal. If you're doing this and you're not getting any better grades, talk to your parents, teacher(s) and/or school councilor.
4. Step outside of yourself and look how you handle responsibility. Look at kids around you. See how they handle it. Some of them might be examples of what not to do. If a lot of those types are your friends, remember the old saying, ';You are who your friends are.'; Be careful friends like that down drag you down into the abyss. If they are doing that, get some new friends. This happens with inner city kids. They are on the verge of having a great life but their friends get them in trouble with drugs, gangs or dead.
5. Get involved with a school sport or activity that requires responsibility.
For now, getting good grades (you don't have to be a straight A student), being involved in school activities and hanging with other kids with positive attitudes will put you on that path to success.
Its important to have a goal and know what you want. I assume you are starting grade 9 or 10.You should set some goals and stick to them. Surround yourself with good friends, girls make good friends for boys because they are sensitive and will help you with things like clothes and hair. Be nice to the people around you and the will return the favour. If you have the determination you will make it in whatever you want to, don't do drugs or drink, I know people who do and they are nowhere. I think if someone wants anything bad enough they will get it, remember that and you will get it too.
Get a Haircut
Dont get a girlfriend until your 25
Better Grades
DO: Pay attention to everything the teacher says. Take notes on everything. When you get home from school, do your homework. Be nicer to your teachers.
DON'T: Fall asleep in class. Stare at your crush. Play football until 10:00, then watch all of your favorite movies. Fight all the other kids. Shout cuss words during class.
Good Hairstyle
DO: Go to your barber and ask them to cut your hair how they think it'd look best. Brush or comb (depending on how long it is) your hair everyday. When you take showers, wash it.
DON'T: Go to your barber and tell them to just cut it shorter. Take a shower then leave your hair alone, letting it become full of knots. Jump in the shower to rub a tiny bit of soap on private places, then get out.
Better Life
DO: Whatever you think will help improve yourself.
DON'T: Continue what you're doing now, unless it's good.
Read interesting books and discover things. You never know i mean if somebody asked you something they don't know and you know it, it really feels great and a lot of people will find you very interesting and it can also make you popular! You can change your hairstyle on something new like what you were thinking of doing! It can really feel great!
Good luck!Hi, im a 14 year old guy turning 15 soon and im wondering how can i change my life around.?
study. cut your hair and run really fast.
problem solved.
First change your name to something less vulgar. The rest just do it get a planner and write down your homework then set a time to do it every night. Go to a salon and tell them you want something different.
make sure that right after you get home for school you do you homework and make sure its 100%!
Next time you get your hair cut get like a cool one
Well to improve grade how about a tutor you like to help you under sand thing better
a hair style well look on-line and and search what ones you like, there are magazines that are about hair styles
for making it in like well set up a list of future goals of what you like to do, what you want to do, what you have to do, and so on. post then above you r bed so every night you fall asleep looking at them.
Good grades:
During class, take notes on not only what the teacher is writing, but what they are saying. If you want, you can use different colored pens for titles, definitions, important information, and so on.
Have a calender in the front of your binder, or in an agenda. As the teacher is telling you about an assignment (small or large), write it in the calender, then write the instructions in your notebook. You can even fold the page corner down to mark that it's an assignment. Write the due date as well, and write the due date on the calender o remind yourself. Check the calender everyday when you start your homework.
Have a folder for finished assignments! This will help so much. When you finish an assignment, put it in the folder RIGHT AWAY! Staple it if it's more than 1 page, and write your name on it.
Have a memory stick with you EVERYWHERE. Keep it in your backpack. This is so if you have a project at school, you don't rely on email to work for you to bring it home.
Pay bloody attention in class! This is so important. You'll probably think ';Oh one class won't matter..';. It usually does! If you have trouble staying awake, ask if you can go to the washroom, and splash some cold water in your face. Yuo can also blink a lot because that gets blood flowing. Pinching yourself works too. Do not sleep!!
Hair style:
Short is best. I'm not going to lie. Ask your hairstylist what would look best, and if she/he is good, they can offer you some advice for your face shape and color.
School popularity isn't what decides your future...it's how you present yourself and how you grow from the experiences you have. Best of luck :)
Find out what interests you and research about it. Build it into a hobby somehow and you got something to kill time on. Like everyone else is saying, a planner is the way to go. At our school we have to have one. A hairstyle is a harder one... Go for something not necessarily overused (scene, buzzcut, hair flip, etc.) but isn't so in-your-face it will freak people out. Keep it original and noticable yet not outrageous and overdone. Sometime tweeking a style will make it yours. For me, my hair flips (like a Zach Efron, don't know it's name) diagnally and covers my eye (a scene thing.) But whatever looks good to you is good.
1. The fact that you're concerned about it is a good start
2. Turning your life around requires you to have long range goals. A good hairstyle (although nice) is not a long range goal. You can knock that off in a day.
3. You MUST develop the discipline to listen in class and do your homework. Now THAT is a long range goal. If you're doing this and you're not getting any better grades, talk to your parents, teacher(s) and/or school councilor.
4. Step outside of yourself and look how you handle responsibility. Look at kids around you. See how they handle it. Some of them might be examples of what not to do. If a lot of those types are your friends, remember the old saying, ';You are who your friends are.'; Be careful friends like that down drag you down into the abyss. If they are doing that, get some new friends. This happens with inner city kids. They are on the verge of having a great life but their friends get them in trouble with drugs, gangs or dead.
5. Get involved with a school sport or activity that requires responsibility.
For now, getting good grades (you don't have to be a straight A student), being involved in school activities and hanging with other kids with positive attitudes will put you on that path to success.
Its important to have a goal and know what you want. I assume you are starting grade 9 or 10.You should set some goals and stick to them. Surround yourself with good friends, girls make good friends for boys because they are sensitive and will help you with things like clothes and hair. Be nice to the people around you and the will return the favour. If you have the determination you will make it in whatever you want to, don't do drugs or drink, I know people who do and they are nowhere. I think if someone wants anything bad enough they will get it, remember that and you will get it too.
Get a Haircut
Dont get a girlfriend until your 25
Better Grades
DO: Pay attention to everything the teacher says. Take notes on everything. When you get home from school, do your homework. Be nicer to your teachers.
DON'T: Fall asleep in class. Stare at your crush. Play football until 10:00, then watch all of your favorite movies. Fight all the other kids. Shout cuss words during class.
Good Hairstyle
DO: Go to your barber and ask them to cut your hair how they think it'd look best. Brush or comb (depending on how long it is) your hair everyday. When you take showers, wash it.
DON'T: Go to your barber and tell them to just cut it shorter. Take a shower then leave your hair alone, letting it become full of knots. Jump in the shower to rub a tiny bit of soap on private places, then get out.
Better Life
DO: Whatever you think will help improve yourself.
DON'T: Continue what you're doing now, unless it's good.
How to deal major life change?
i just passed my teacher certification exam..and now im going to be looking for a job away from home town and all family. im moving out of my parents....any tips???? im going to be soo so happy!How to deal major life change?
You are going to be very happy, but at the same time, you might be a little homesick... I am living in South Korea, and loving life, but I miss my family back in TX. So have all the fun you want, but try not to forget everyone back home---they won't forget you.How to deal major life change?
Why do you need tips,you seem very excited and very confident,so go ahead,enjoy your new life,take care of yourself well and be happy!
Good luck!!!
You are going to be very happy, but at the same time, you might be a little homesick... I am living in South Korea, and loving life, but I miss my family back in TX. So have all the fun you want, but try not to forget everyone back home---they won't forget you.How to deal major life change?
Why do you need tips,you seem very excited and very confident,so go ahead,enjoy your new life,take care of yourself well and be happy!
Good luck!!!
How do I change my life?
Over the past 3 years or since i've moved from home to attend college i've experienced a lot of bad and some good things and i feel like i've lost myself along the way. I didn't realize how much depression effects and changes ones life. I'm suffering in school and in family and personal relationships and i have trouble sleeping. I have dug myself in such a deep hole that i don't know how to get out. I've talked to my parents and all they say is that i should come and that my life would be easier, but i feel that going back home isn't going to change hoew i feel. I have lost the motivation that i once had in school, i don't get excited about it like i once did. I put on an act around others so they think everything is alright and for a while i even convinced myself it was true.
I guess what i'm saying is that i feel i need to start over with school and everything. but not sure how.
I need advice from people who have maybe felt the same way.How do I change my life?
I definitely understand where you are coming from... I started college with so much ambition and drive... then 2 years later I was lost and couldn't understand where it all went. When you say you are losing yourself... that's not true... These are the years where you will actually eventually find yourself. You will do more growing up and changing during this period in your life in my opinion/experience then any other point in your life. It is a little depressing when you look in the mirror and you don't really recognize who the person is staring back at you. My advice to you is to stick with your close friends, they will help you through this and chances are that they may be going through some of the same things. I didn't end up leaving college with a degree. I left with a lot of life lessons and an actual idea of the kind of person that I would like to end up being in life. I plan to go back to school, but for now I am concentrating on other aspects of my life.
This is also a very stressful period in life. College is stressful even with out the personal issues thrown in with it. My health had taken a severe turn for the worse and the only answer I ever got from doctors was that it was 'stress'
Hold your head high, don't forget to breath, take a break if you have to. Find someone that will listen to you and take you seriously... Do what you have to do for YOURSELF and put others second always.How do I change my life?
This is a fix-all...
Join the Air Force. They pay for everything...Food, shelter (carpet and AC), you NEVER sleep out in a tent or a foxhole, fresh meals (no MREs), medical, dental, education. THEY pay you to learn AND travel. You have some college so you'll start out at a higher rank after basic training.
what's ur religion?
if youre catholic/christian try praying or try making a reflection diary and put only the good things you experience daily.. you might say you dont have one but try to think of something even the slightest and smallest one......like........ seeing the beauty of a sunset or the stars sparkling at night..........etc
I don't think you should go home. Try talking to someone at your schools health center to help you out. Do you want to leave the college you are at? If you do, you could transfer to a different school and start over there. But whatever you do I think you should talk to a counselor. For me going home wouldn't be a good thing but for you I don't know because I don't know you. It might be easier if you went home but it's not always good to take the easy way out. You can do this you just might need some help. Good luck!
Hi, I was there once too! And that is when I meet a man that helped me get though all the bad times as well. See he helped me to relize that I was very special and that I was never alone in this big world of his. I was very confused and he help me to find my purpose in life, and i think that is what your going threw. I went threw it and so have many others its call a young adult mid life purpose crisis, thats what i found out lol. If you would like to get to know this man his name is Jesus. I'm not telling you to change your life just ask him to help you and you'll see that he will be there for you and things will start to change on there own. If you feel alone find a christian group on wednesday nights or go on joelosteen.com and watch some of his video. You'll love what God has to say to you!
Good Luck and God Bless! If you need a friend write to me I'll be here for you too! Take Care.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been there myself and have gone through the same thing when I was in college. It's hard when you're away from home and your comfort zone and dont't feel as if you have an outlet to cope with you may feel that you are going through. I wouldn't recommend starting over in school-unless you have flunked out. What I would recommend is really taking a look at what it is that is making you feel bad towards yourself. We all have to find a way to cope with the negative feelings that we keep inside of us. If we don't, then those things will eat us alive. If you really do feel that you are depressed, then you may want to find professional help, or contact a mental health specialist. There are also things such as medication, but it doesn't sound like you've gotten that far down the road.
What I would recommend is being honest with your self and talk to someone. Also-know that what you feel may not be considered normal, but it is NOT uncommon. Don't tell yourself that you are crazy or odd, or feel ashamed of the feelings that you have-because they are valid. Usually the first thing that people do when they feel anything like depression is isolate themselves. Don't do that. Now I don't mean go party, but don't alienate anyone. Remember keep an open mind. Everything has a solution, and things are never really over-though at times they often can seem that way. Just remember to try and love yourself too, and strip yourself of as many stresses or people that stress you out as possible. Then try to clear your mind, and as often as you can...relax, take some time for you and try to do things that make you happy, or at least make you smile.
If you want to talk further-you can email me: titan1213@yahoo.com. Most important thing to remember is not to hold your feelings inside-that can do more damage long term than you know.
I have a grand daughter in her 5th year of college. She moved out in her 4th year which doesn't have to be a bad thing except it's a shock to the family and the student. It's an abrupt change where everything that you're used to ripped up and moved. You have to get used to a new place to live and go to school, along with all new teachers and classes. It seems like a lot of pressure on your life all a once. You also have to take care of your immediate finances, your meals, your laundering, etc. I think it's a great deal of pressure for anyone.
I know it's important for college students to be on their own. They need to grow up and take care of their own life. But, it just seems like a big load to carry all at one time. It's bound to take a toll on your motivation also. You need to feel free to put most of your time on your studies and your new friends, etc.
Maybe, the time to leave home is wrong. Maybe it should be when college is over or almost over. Unless of course you go away to college which most do.
It's really a lot of pressure to be under. Maybe, you could get yourself more motivated and a lot of pressure off of your shoulders if you moved back home. It's a big decision for you to make. You know what it's like away from home and you'll have plenty of time after you get through school and your new job. Right now, you need to decide if you really want to go back home. How will things be with your parents? Will they give you the space you will need? Or that you will want? Do all of you get along well enough to go home?
It may give all your needs plenty of room to relax and find your motivation to get in the college groove that you need.
I don't remember how the semesters start, but are you just starting a new semester? Can you make any needed changes and salvage what's left of this period? Or would you scrap this one and start all over in the next semester? Good luck to you and your classes and your peace of mind. You deserve it.
You probably are not used to living on your own. It takes time to adjust.
I guess what i'm saying is that i feel i need to start over with school and everything. but not sure how.
I need advice from people who have maybe felt the same way.How do I change my life?
I definitely understand where you are coming from... I started college with so much ambition and drive... then 2 years later I was lost and couldn't understand where it all went. When you say you are losing yourself... that's not true... These are the years where you will actually eventually find yourself. You will do more growing up and changing during this period in your life in my opinion/experience then any other point in your life. It is a little depressing when you look in the mirror and you don't really recognize who the person is staring back at you. My advice to you is to stick with your close friends, they will help you through this and chances are that they may be going through some of the same things. I didn't end up leaving college with a degree. I left with a lot of life lessons and an actual idea of the kind of person that I would like to end up being in life. I plan to go back to school, but for now I am concentrating on other aspects of my life.
This is also a very stressful period in life. College is stressful even with out the personal issues thrown in with it. My health had taken a severe turn for the worse and the only answer I ever got from doctors was that it was 'stress'
Hold your head high, don't forget to breath, take a break if you have to. Find someone that will listen to you and take you seriously... Do what you have to do for YOURSELF and put others second always.How do I change my life?
This is a fix-all...
Join the Air Force. They pay for everything...Food, shelter (carpet and AC), you NEVER sleep out in a tent or a foxhole, fresh meals (no MREs), medical, dental, education. THEY pay you to learn AND travel. You have some college so you'll start out at a higher rank after basic training.
what's ur religion?
if youre catholic/christian try praying or try making a reflection diary and put only the good things you experience daily.. you might say you dont have one but try to think of something even the slightest and smallest one......like........ seeing the beauty of a sunset or the stars sparkling at night..........etc
I don't think you should go home. Try talking to someone at your schools health center to help you out. Do you want to leave the college you are at? If you do, you could transfer to a different school and start over there. But whatever you do I think you should talk to a counselor. For me going home wouldn't be a good thing but for you I don't know because I don't know you. It might be easier if you went home but it's not always good to take the easy way out. You can do this you just might need some help. Good luck!
Hi, I was there once too! And that is when I meet a man that helped me get though all the bad times as well. See he helped me to relize that I was very special and that I was never alone in this big world of his. I was very confused and he help me to find my purpose in life, and i think that is what your going threw. I went threw it and so have many others its call a young adult mid life purpose crisis, thats what i found out lol. If you would like to get to know this man his name is Jesus. I'm not telling you to change your life just ask him to help you and you'll see that he will be there for you and things will start to change on there own. If you feel alone find a christian group on wednesday nights or go on joelosteen.com and watch some of his video. You'll love what God has to say to you!
Good Luck and God Bless! If you need a friend write to me I'll be here for you too! Take Care.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been there myself and have gone through the same thing when I was in college. It's hard when you're away from home and your comfort zone and dont't feel as if you have an outlet to cope with you may feel that you are going through. I wouldn't recommend starting over in school-unless you have flunked out. What I would recommend is really taking a look at what it is that is making you feel bad towards yourself. We all have to find a way to cope with the negative feelings that we keep inside of us. If we don't, then those things will eat us alive. If you really do feel that you are depressed, then you may want to find professional help, or contact a mental health specialist. There are also things such as medication, but it doesn't sound like you've gotten that far down the road.
What I would recommend is being honest with your self and talk to someone. Also-know that what you feel may not be considered normal, but it is NOT uncommon. Don't tell yourself that you are crazy or odd, or feel ashamed of the feelings that you have-because they are valid. Usually the first thing that people do when they feel anything like depression is isolate themselves. Don't do that. Now I don't mean go party, but don't alienate anyone. Remember keep an open mind. Everything has a solution, and things are never really over-though at times they often can seem that way. Just remember to try and love yourself too, and strip yourself of as many stresses or people that stress you out as possible. Then try to clear your mind, and as often as you can...relax, take some time for you and try to do things that make you happy, or at least make you smile.
If you want to talk further-you can email me: titan1213@yahoo.com. Most important thing to remember is not to hold your feelings inside-that can do more damage long term than you know.
I have a grand daughter in her 5th year of college. She moved out in her 4th year which doesn't have to be a bad thing except it's a shock to the family and the student. It's an abrupt change where everything that you're used to ripped up and moved. You have to get used to a new place to live and go to school, along with all new teachers and classes. It seems like a lot of pressure on your life all a once. You also have to take care of your immediate finances, your meals, your laundering, etc. I think it's a great deal of pressure for anyone.
I know it's important for college students to be on their own. They need to grow up and take care of their own life. But, it just seems like a big load to carry all at one time. It's bound to take a toll on your motivation also. You need to feel free to put most of your time on your studies and your new friends, etc.
Maybe, the time to leave home is wrong. Maybe it should be when college is over or almost over. Unless of course you go away to college which most do.
It's really a lot of pressure to be under. Maybe, you could get yourself more motivated and a lot of pressure off of your shoulders if you moved back home. It's a big decision for you to make. You know what it's like away from home and you'll have plenty of time after you get through school and your new job. Right now, you need to decide if you really want to go back home. How will things be with your parents? Will they give you the space you will need? Or that you will want? Do all of you get along well enough to go home?
It may give all your needs plenty of room to relax and find your motivation to get in the college groove that you need.
I don't remember how the semesters start, but are you just starting a new semester? Can you make any needed changes and salvage what's left of this period? Or would you scrap this one and start all over in the next semester? Good luck to you and your classes and your peace of mind. You deserve it.
You probably are not used to living on your own. It takes time to adjust.
How do i change my life?
Is there anything I can do to change my life to the one I want?
And don't say work for it, because what I want is something that most people would say is impossible to do.
I want to change everything.
Is there any way I can do this?
And yes, I do believe in vampires, and witches, and whatnot.
Help please!!!!How do i change my life?
Change all of the people you hang out with.
And don't say work for it, because what I want is something that most people would say is impossible to do.
I want to change everything.
Is there any way I can do this?
And yes, I do believe in vampires, and witches, and whatnot.
Help please!!!!How do i change my life?
Change all of the people you hang out with.
How do I start to change my life and the way people perceive me, I really want to do a 360?
I think at this point I am percieved as a negative person, when at heart I am not. I feel there is really someone else inside me that just can't come out in the physical form on a continuous basis....I am 38 and struggling to be someone else.... a better person, an inspirer.... Where should I start...how can I start?How do I start to change my life and the way people perceive me, I really want to do a 360?
You can start by stopping asking obnoxious liberal-baiting questions on this site.How do I start to change my life and the way people perceive me, I really want to do a 360?
You can't change yourself overnight. You know yourself better than anyone else. Don't let their judgements override what you know about yourself. As we get older our beliefs change and sway back and forth. It sounds like you have already started changing. Positivity is a wonderful thing but life isn't always positive nor is it always negative. Go with it and don't worry so much about what others think of you unless you feel at heart that they are right and their criticism is constructive. I think you should meet some new people who are positive and don't have preconceived notions about you. Good luck!
i think you mean 180 if you do 360 u'll be right back where you started.
Slim, I had about 10 million sarcastic answers prepared for you, but in case you are serious, I will be too. Read, The Purpose Driven Life. There is a God and you were in fact created for His pleasure and to serve Him. The book explains it all. IF you decide that you'll go your own way, instead of seeking God's way, you'll be just as lost tomorrow as you are today. READ THE BOOK! And pray. And read your Bible. And find a good Bible-believing church. Your true purpose awaits you.
Lord bless,
One day at a time. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day. That better you will eventually surface, only if you let it happen. Your choice. Good luck!artificially inflated home theater
You can start by stopping asking obnoxious liberal-baiting questions on this site.How do I start to change my life and the way people perceive me, I really want to do a 360?
You can't change yourself overnight. You know yourself better than anyone else. Don't let their judgements override what you know about yourself. As we get older our beliefs change and sway back and forth. It sounds like you have already started changing. Positivity is a wonderful thing but life isn't always positive nor is it always negative. Go with it and don't worry so much about what others think of you unless you feel at heart that they are right and their criticism is constructive. I think you should meet some new people who are positive and don't have preconceived notions about you. Good luck!
i think you mean 180 if you do 360 u'll be right back where you started.
Slim, I had about 10 million sarcastic answers prepared for you, but in case you are serious, I will be too. Read, The Purpose Driven Life. There is a God and you were in fact created for His pleasure and to serve Him. The book explains it all. IF you decide that you'll go your own way, instead of seeking God's way, you'll be just as lost tomorrow as you are today. READ THE BOOK! And pray. And read your Bible. And find a good Bible-believing church. Your true purpose awaits you.
Lord bless,
One day at a time. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day. That better you will eventually surface, only if you let it happen. Your choice. Good luck!
How can you make a change to another person life?LIKE A HOMELESS PERSON?
I watcth a movie where one dollar was giviving to a person and they gave a dollar to another person.and where one blanket was giving to a homeless,to change a life?what can you do? myself I work a local warm=line where people call wheen things go bad and some just want to talk. maybe jsut one on my words of encouagament can help.How can you make a change to another person life?LIKE A HOMELESS PERSON?
anything that you do for some one else is great. no matter how big or small.
i gave money to the fire department so that a family that lost their home can have a xmas dinner. i also donated some toys to an orphanage.
we should all be more generous. you are setting a good example for others to follow.How can you make a change to another person life?LIKE A HOMELESS PERSON?
buy them food, but don't give them money!!
Okay...Yes Homeless people are what you call ';Bums'; But there are more to homeless then meets the eye.For one they are generious for anything they get.So little can mean so much.
i can do this read what you wrote. sadly i am not in a position to be a great help to the masses i am more of the kind that would use your service
however i can pray smile and just keep breathing
When you walk by them on the street don't pretend like they are there. Make eye contact, smile at them. Can you imagine how that can lighten there day? They sit by themselves on a street all day and night. People walk by them as if they don't exist, and sometimes even ridicule them. A small smile may just brighten their day.
pray for them
Hey, there are SO many things you can do to help the homeless and impoverished!
When I was in university last year, I took a course which examined homelessness and poverty. Our final assignment was to go out on the streets and assume the life of a homeless person. It was an eye-opening experience to say the least.
The city where I come from, Winnipeg (in Canada), a little girl was the cause of an entire foundation where 100% of the funds raised went straight to the homeless and helping them along their way. One simple selfless thought that a child once had created a wave of caring and kindness big enough to raise a substantial amount of money to give those less fortunate another chance at life.
Here's something from the website of the foundation that she said:
';When I was 5 years old my mom and I saw a man eating out of a garbage can. I was very sad and felt sick about it. I asked my mom why he had to do that. I talked to my mom about homelessness a lot. Why, Why, Why I asked. If everybody shared what they had would that cure homelessness?
Then I started school and one day when I was going to school, I saw another homeless person; everything she had was in one grocery cart. Now my heart was too sad.
That night before I went to bed I wished I could cure homelessness. Everybody needs a home. I love my home. My mom told me that sometimes when you worry and feel sad about things, if you do something to change the problem, your heart won't feel so sad. She was right. I don't worry so much anymore because I know I can help and so can you.';
I hope you find it interesting - you should check out the web site!
So, as for specific things you can do to help people in need, I urge you to help out at local shelters, donate to charities catering to the homeless and impoverished (make sure to research the organization first to make sure the proceeds go directly to the cause), and if you see a homeless person on the street who is asking for change, offer to buy them coffee or food, but do not give them money. Good luck!!
watch Pay it Forward.
anything that you do for some one else is great. no matter how big or small.
i gave money to the fire department so that a family that lost their home can have a xmas dinner. i also donated some toys to an orphanage.
we should all be more generous. you are setting a good example for others to follow.How can you make a change to another person life?LIKE A HOMELESS PERSON?
buy them food, but don't give them money!!
Okay...Yes Homeless people are what you call ';Bums'; But there are more to homeless then meets the eye.For one they are generious for anything they get.So little can mean so much.
i can do this read what you wrote. sadly i am not in a position to be a great help to the masses i am more of the kind that would use your service
however i can pray smile and just keep breathing
When you walk by them on the street don't pretend like they are there. Make eye contact, smile at them. Can you imagine how that can lighten there day? They sit by themselves on a street all day and night. People walk by them as if they don't exist, and sometimes even ridicule them. A small smile may just brighten their day.
pray for them
Hey, there are SO many things you can do to help the homeless and impoverished!
When I was in university last year, I took a course which examined homelessness and poverty. Our final assignment was to go out on the streets and assume the life of a homeless person. It was an eye-opening experience to say the least.
The city where I come from, Winnipeg (in Canada), a little girl was the cause of an entire foundation where 100% of the funds raised went straight to the homeless and helping them along their way. One simple selfless thought that a child once had created a wave of caring and kindness big enough to raise a substantial amount of money to give those less fortunate another chance at life.
Here's something from the website of the foundation that she said:
';When I was 5 years old my mom and I saw a man eating out of a garbage can. I was very sad and felt sick about it. I asked my mom why he had to do that. I talked to my mom about homelessness a lot. Why, Why, Why I asked. If everybody shared what they had would that cure homelessness?
Then I started school and one day when I was going to school, I saw another homeless person; everything she had was in one grocery cart. Now my heart was too sad.
That night before I went to bed I wished I could cure homelessness. Everybody needs a home. I love my home. My mom told me that sometimes when you worry and feel sad about things, if you do something to change the problem, your heart won't feel so sad. She was right. I don't worry so much anymore because I know I can help and so can you.';
I hope you find it interesting - you should check out the web site!
So, as for specific things you can do to help people in need, I urge you to help out at local shelters, donate to charities catering to the homeless and impoverished (make sure to research the organization first to make sure the proceeds go directly to the cause), and if you see a homeless person on the street who is asking for change, offer to buy them coffee or food, but do not give them money. Good luck!!
watch Pay it Forward.
How can i get motivated to change my life?
I'm behind in my studies and not motivated to find a job. I find it hard to eat healthy and exercise. I just feel lazy and unenergized(no matter how much i sleep) and always make plans in my head but never actually do them. How can i get over this feeling for good and just learn to be productive?How can i get motivated to change my life?
When the next day, knowingly it may be your last.How can i get motivated to change my life?
First, you gotta actually enjoy life. After you can enjoy every essence of it. You will get your drive back.
When you become homeless.
set goals and deadlines force yourself to complete them, you'll feel great :D
Don't worry too much about this problem. I suffered from lack of motivation in my teens as well. The best thing to do is explore as many different job possibilities until you find one that really sparks your interest. Once that happens, you should never have a problem with your ';lazy'; feeling again.
Another problem you might have is a deficiency of iron. You should probably go to a doctor to get your blood tested, even if you don't believe that to be the case. If it is the problem, then start taking iron supplements! It's a simple as that. ^_^
When the next day, knowingly it may be your last.How can i get motivated to change my life?
First, you gotta actually enjoy life. After you can enjoy every essence of it. You will get your drive back.
When you become homeless.
set goals and deadlines force yourself to complete them, you'll feel great :D
Don't worry too much about this problem. I suffered from lack of motivation in my teens as well. The best thing to do is explore as many different job possibilities until you find one that really sparks your interest. Once that happens, you should never have a problem with your ';lazy'; feeling again.
Another problem you might have is a deficiency of iron. You should probably go to a doctor to get your blood tested, even if you don't believe that to be the case. If it is the problem, then start taking iron supplements! It's a simple as that. ^_^
How can I change my life?
Hi, in my life i was lazy a couple of times and I didn't really care of what are the outcomes. I just felt one when i got rejected by all my high schools. I have great grades and great attendance. The problem was I didn't put as much choices. I want to change and get a better life start all over again. The worst things thats killing me is my games and television. It's so hard to stop any suggestions?How can I change my life?
What specifically are your goals?
You should probably check out this website called The Magic Hundred. It gives you insight on how to make daily choices that could lead to having a completely different outlook on life in 100 days.
http://www.only100days.com/How can I change my life?
look im going to give it to you straight up get off your lazy *** and start doing something about it. enroll in school or your always going to regret what you didn;t do back there. and thinking I could of done this and that and you jusy let life pass you by. leave your games and television will always be there. they are not going no where i haven't heard they are. you have to wake up before it is 2 late and start your life choice u are not a teenager no more. you a resposoniable for your own action. so go out and do something you could be proud of..........
I know, TV and video games can be very addicting. Just do your homework and everything you have to do, then reward yourself like watching an hour or tv. This way youll have a habit of doing your homework too. It really depends if you REALLY really want to change and maybe try changing your life a little in a way that you want. Plan what you want to change and fix it
See motivation, in section 28, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris
What specifically are your goals?
You should probably check out this website called The Magic Hundred. It gives you insight on how to make daily choices that could lead to having a completely different outlook on life in 100 days.
http://www.only100days.com/How can I change my life?
look im going to give it to you straight up get off your lazy *** and start doing something about it. enroll in school or your always going to regret what you didn;t do back there. and thinking I could of done this and that and you jusy let life pass you by. leave your games and television will always be there. they are not going no where i haven't heard they are. you have to wake up before it is 2 late and start your life choice u are not a teenager no more. you a resposoniable for your own action. so go out and do something you could be proud of..........
I know, TV and video games can be very addicting. Just do your homework and everything you have to do, then reward yourself like watching an hour or tv. This way youll have a habit of doing your homework too. It really depends if you REALLY really want to change and maybe try changing your life a little in a way that you want. Plan what you want to change and fix it
See motivation, in section 28, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris
I hate my life! Is it possible to change ones life permanently without resorting to suicide?
I'm 32 and I live a pathetically depressed and boring life. I have no ambition, I don't have friends, I hate my job and I hate my life! And the only thing I think about is how to end my life! I beg every night for my soul to have the guts and leave my worthless body and move on to greener pastures. But for some reason my soul is still there every morning when my alarm clock shocks me awake and rips me from my dream world where I was the reluctant hero who saved the world from the an alien invasion of zombified vegetarians...or from my dream when I’m on a date with Tyra Banks and she is about to return my “I love you” with one of her own...or when...sorry I'm babbling. I'm sick of therapist (sorry your 45 minutes are up, next!) because I know their just as screw up as I am, but they're getting paid! I want to change but I want to know if it is even possible to change ones life? I am at a crossroads in my life and both roads look washed out! What should I do?I hate my life! Is it possible to change ones life permanently without resorting to suicide?
Force yourself (because getting motivated in your condition is very difficult, been there) to sign up for a community service project like Habitat for Humanity. Begin helping other people, and you'll feel better about yourself... focusing only on yourself has probably gotten you where you are today. You never feel worthless when someone is thanking you for building a home for them. There are other projects you can do if you're not a people-person no matter what city you're in.I hate my life! Is it possible to change ones life permanently without resorting to suicide?
you know what?its not you who hates your life. its the devil who does and is trying to convince you of that. God loves you more than everything and wants to see you through. please join the group -thenewcreationchildren and recreate a marvellous life for yourself with Christ. i love you brother. i want to be your friend
i know exactly how you feel. and im here to say, of course life isn't easy. and no one can make it interesting and worthwhile but yourself. you have so many options in life. you can change your career in life, you cannot from a casket. you make all the difference. you first need to find the motivation. sometimes its intrinsic and sometimes its extrinsic, and sometimes it may be something completely different. suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. and although your pain will be relieved your pain will remain in the world with the people who you care about. and spend your life with. suicide is very selfish.
I have the answer for you. I was in your spot. Im creative so creativity has always been a big part of my life.. When Im down I paint or draw or design on the computer. When Im happy I do the same things! Anyhow, get excited about Major League Soccer!!! http://www.mlsnet.com pick a team near you if possible and start being a fan! The point? Force yourself to be interested in something that requires other people. In a soccer environment, everyone is family and you get to share in the ups and downs. You might even meet some new friends too. Go to that website and chat on their forums about where people go to drink beer and become total fans of their team.
Another possibility... more importantly... you need a companion in your life. Russia has a TON of hot women and Im sure it would add aton of excitement to your life by traveling there and meeting one or two of them.
I recommend this site here: http://www.interdating.ua/
And also this one: http://www.anastasiaweb.com/
If you need help contact me at ';dave (at) shirtees.net';
go 2 peekvid and watch the movie the secret
If I was in your area, I would be your friend. It seems like you need friends, friends that support you. You must think your life is bad because of your career, your status, your past, etc. But remember the saying, ';What's past is past, the future is now';. You're too young to focus on that right now. You have the mentality of a 80 year old man who has given up on life. Think of all the wonderful things your life could become in the next few years. Life is something not to be taken for granted. You only live once.
Join a support group. Support groups are known to change the ways of people and you make great friends there. do something to get your mind off that evil stuff that dwells.
Good luck to you.
it sounds like you may have some depression to me. go get a new therapist maybe even talk to your doctor and see if you need meds. if you hate your job try a career change on monster jobs. your are still young. go out and meet people and. there is a reason why you are still here and god doesn't take your soul. its because you have something to offer the world weather you know it or not. so yes you can change your life permanently but you also have to change your attitude too. you can do many great things if you put your mind to it good luck
Practice for 15 -20 mins daily, and when needed, the mindfulness breathing method at http://www.dbtselfhelp.com/ or gaze at a burning candle in a quiet, darkened room. Tai Chi %26amp; yoga suit some ( http://www.yogasite.com). Work up slowly to 30 - 60 mins of daily vigorous exercise, preferably in sunlight, eat healthily, and keep occupied. I assume you are on medication. Take a vitamin B complex, and 4 fish oil supplements daily. Find things you enjoy, or that interest you: get out more; take up some courses (Tai Chi, yoga %26amp; martial arts can be of particular benefit), ask questions of people and start making friends (find approachable people in your interest group, and ask some reasonably sensible questions, like: ';How long did it take until you got the basics down?';). See a doctor, too, in case it is thyroid gland related. You may have reached a plateau with your therapist, but continue for several weeks more, after adopting these changes, and review the situation, but don't just stop medication without medical advice. There are many exciting and interesting things to do: gliding, skiing, horseriding, paintballing, motorcycle trail bike riding, scuba diving, hiking %26amp; mountain climbing, rallying, hot air ballooning, windsurfing, and many more. Make a list. Try those that appeal most.
There are still a couple of things to try, while you're still alive.
1. Step out of character. Join a church group and pretend to be social.
2. Move to a different city and change your career.
Of course it is dear. I too was depressed, didn't care, just stayed in bed all day, nothing interested me, had no ambitions, and I didn't care if I died.
Please don't resort to suicide. Trust me, there is a better life at the end of your depression. If you are not already taking medication, please ask your doctor to prescribe some. Mine truly did help. Yes, I don't like my therapist either. They just prescribe medications, ask you a couple questions, then you leave, and they don't understand, even if they try to.
My counselor on the otherhand, is a great help. She deals with my kind of problem often, and does understand it, which is very helpful. There is a huge difference between therapists and counselors.
Please look into to getting counseling, it really does help. Counseling may show you ways to get out of depression, push away negative or depressing thoughts, and more.
I know I sound like it's not true, but it is. I have both OCD and depression. I understand how you don't like your therapist; I don't like mine either.
But medication helped my depression, and it should help you too. Counseling helped a lot too, and please look into both.
There is a way to change! You can smile once again, be bright, happy and cheerful.
I truly do hope you feel better and get over your depression.
Lots of goodluck to you!!!
=) - a smiley for your day.
If what your are doing on a daily basis is boring, I'd suggest changing almost everything, your job, where you eat, going out to different places. If you go to clubs, then go to libraries instead. If you spend time in your home before or after work, then spend time outside instead, where you see people walking by, and say, ';hi!'; to them. Think about your standards and accept only the highest from yourself. It's all about you. Your one minute is up!
No matter how abd things are ytou can always change them for the better..Suicide? Ends your life doesn't change anything, one of the most selfish acts someone can do...Ever read Hamlet? During the solilquey of ';To be or not to be...'; he gives a quite insightful view of suicide...not to down play the pain you are going through but it sounds like you have depression, a mood disorder that has a high success rate find an new doctor get some medication and you will see improvement
You need to get some new hobbies, got to church, find some new friends. I agree that you could try moving and gettting a new career. Do not kill yourself. Find someon that can be there anytime you feel suicidal. I know that u don't want to go to a therapist but you can find ones out there that are really there to help. I would be your friend. I am friends with everyone. Try to be more out going and friendly. Try to do something that is out of the norm and exciting for you. Good Luck and God Bless.
Sounds like you need a complete re-do. There is hope, of course!!! I think you need to go camping and traveling. Go do something you have never done before. Eat Ethiopian food, buy an am-track ticket to another city and walk around and see the sights. Go Kayaking!!! Go wind-surfing!!!! Go Para-sailing.Go river rafting! Go on a hot air balloon ride!!! Watch the sunset! Go see art galleries and look at the beauty. Go to a concert. Go horseback riding along the beach!!! Go hang gliding!! If you are thinking about ending it all anyway none of these things should scare you!!! Book tickets to Yellowstone- you will be surrounded by beauty there. You can say it won't make a difference, that you will be depressed wherever you go, but I assure you, if you distract yourself from your problems with wonder, adventure and beauty, you will find you are not distracting yourself at all but rather finding yourself again. DO IT!!! Its your life and it's wondrous. You can make it so. Act like it's a business project- to give yourself a life, a good life, full of balance and harmony. Look at the world around you- the beautiful parts. Even though it seems like there is a lot of hate and despair in this world I can assure you that the amount of bad in this universe is minuscule compared to the good and love that abounds in it.! Go plant flowers. Buy a book on backpacking through the wilderness. Buy a book on reincarnation, NDE, Obe's. Find what you believe is true. Go see a comedian. Wake up early with your favorite coffee and tea and watch the sunrise. Go on a roller coaster. Discover something new. You will find that you can be delighted again, in your heart, like when you were a kid riding your bike over bumps and past meadows. Go to a mountain, go to the sea, go to fields of flowers, go to a wildlife refuge, get a job picking apples in Washington and slow you life down or go find a job waiting tables in the city and speed your life up. Change your life. It's the personal project fate gave you. It's yours to nurse and thrive or to destroy, or to merely survive. Do what you have always wanted to do. See if you can amuse yourself on this wonderful Earth another few years. Who cares what other people think- lose yourself to happiness, love, joy and be wacky if you must. Create a painting or two or enough to have a show!! Learn Spanish and go surf Mexico!!! Go find the Buddhist monks in the Himalaya's and ask what makes them happy. If you do everything I have mentioned in this note but still feel like you need to end it all then I recommend the only decent counselor I know- God. He will help you, I am sure of it, and he doesn't charge a thing!!! If you make an appointment with Him tell Him hi for me. He will know who your talking about. He knows everything. And he even thought of YOU.
I'm sorry to hear that. But try to think about the bright side of things. Instead of saying, ';I hate my life! My life is so boring!'; say something like, ';At least I have many years ahead of me to better myself.'; I'm currently reading a book called ';The Secret.'; There is also a movie-- which I'm going to view after I read the book. I advise reading and/or watching ';The Secret.'; The author is Rhonda Byrne-- it might help you find it easier. If you wish, you may go to my profile and e-mail me. I'm here with open ears! Good luck! ;)
What ever you do,just don't resort to suicide.You say that you would like to move on to greener pastures. Well this cannot be achieved with suicide since suicide is a mortal sin. You said that you are sick of therapists.I think what you need is some good old faith.You need to start reading your Bible and praying.Ask God to give you the fullfilment that you so desperately need.I know that this would probably sound kind of silly to you but you need to realize that God is your ultimate source of hope.Go out into your community and look for people who are in need of help.Do whatever you can to help them.Giving to others makes you feel better.If you so horribly hate your job,take a leap of faith and get a job that really catches your interests and that would enable you to contribute to society in a positive way. Goodluck and I really hope that you feel better.Just remember there is hope!!
Force yourself (because getting motivated in your condition is very difficult, been there) to sign up for a community service project like Habitat for Humanity. Begin helping other people, and you'll feel better about yourself... focusing only on yourself has probably gotten you where you are today. You never feel worthless when someone is thanking you for building a home for them. There are other projects you can do if you're not a people-person no matter what city you're in.I hate my life! Is it possible to change ones life permanently without resorting to suicide?
you know what?its not you who hates your life. its the devil who does and is trying to convince you of that. God loves you more than everything and wants to see you through. please join the group -thenewcreationchildren and recreate a marvellous life for yourself with Christ. i love you brother. i want to be your friend
i know exactly how you feel. and im here to say, of course life isn't easy. and no one can make it interesting and worthwhile but yourself. you have so many options in life. you can change your career in life, you cannot from a casket. you make all the difference. you first need to find the motivation. sometimes its intrinsic and sometimes its extrinsic, and sometimes it may be something completely different. suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. and although your pain will be relieved your pain will remain in the world with the people who you care about. and spend your life with. suicide is very selfish.
I have the answer for you. I was in your spot. Im creative so creativity has always been a big part of my life.. When Im down I paint or draw or design on the computer. When Im happy I do the same things! Anyhow, get excited about Major League Soccer!!! http://www.mlsnet.com pick a team near you if possible and start being a fan! The point? Force yourself to be interested in something that requires other people. In a soccer environment, everyone is family and you get to share in the ups and downs. You might even meet some new friends too. Go to that website and chat on their forums about where people go to drink beer and become total fans of their team.
Another possibility... more importantly... you need a companion in your life. Russia has a TON of hot women and Im sure it would add aton of excitement to your life by traveling there and meeting one or two of them.
I recommend this site here: http://www.interdating.ua/
And also this one: http://www.anastasiaweb.com/
If you need help contact me at ';dave (at) shirtees.net';
go 2 peekvid and watch the movie the secret
If I was in your area, I would be your friend. It seems like you need friends, friends that support you. You must think your life is bad because of your career, your status, your past, etc. But remember the saying, ';What's past is past, the future is now';. You're too young to focus on that right now. You have the mentality of a 80 year old man who has given up on life. Think of all the wonderful things your life could become in the next few years. Life is something not to be taken for granted. You only live once.
Join a support group. Support groups are known to change the ways of people and you make great friends there. do something to get your mind off that evil stuff that dwells.
Good luck to you.
it sounds like you may have some depression to me. go get a new therapist maybe even talk to your doctor and see if you need meds. if you hate your job try a career change on monster jobs. your are still young. go out and meet people and. there is a reason why you are still here and god doesn't take your soul. its because you have something to offer the world weather you know it or not. so yes you can change your life permanently but you also have to change your attitude too. you can do many great things if you put your mind to it good luck
Practice for 15 -20 mins daily, and when needed, the mindfulness breathing method at http://www.dbtselfhelp.com/ or gaze at a burning candle in a quiet, darkened room. Tai Chi %26amp; yoga suit some ( http://www.yogasite.com). Work up slowly to 30 - 60 mins of daily vigorous exercise, preferably in sunlight, eat healthily, and keep occupied. I assume you are on medication. Take a vitamin B complex, and 4 fish oil supplements daily. Find things you enjoy, or that interest you: get out more; take up some courses (Tai Chi, yoga %26amp; martial arts can be of particular benefit), ask questions of people and start making friends (find approachable people in your interest group, and ask some reasonably sensible questions, like: ';How long did it take until you got the basics down?';). See a doctor, too, in case it is thyroid gland related. You may have reached a plateau with your therapist, but continue for several weeks more, after adopting these changes, and review the situation, but don't just stop medication without medical advice. There are many exciting and interesting things to do: gliding, skiing, horseriding, paintballing, motorcycle trail bike riding, scuba diving, hiking %26amp; mountain climbing, rallying, hot air ballooning, windsurfing, and many more. Make a list. Try those that appeal most.
There are still a couple of things to try, while you're still alive.
1. Step out of character. Join a church group and pretend to be social.
2. Move to a different city and change your career.
Of course it is dear. I too was depressed, didn't care, just stayed in bed all day, nothing interested me, had no ambitions, and I didn't care if I died.
Please don't resort to suicide. Trust me, there is a better life at the end of your depression. If you are not already taking medication, please ask your doctor to prescribe some. Mine truly did help. Yes, I don't like my therapist either. They just prescribe medications, ask you a couple questions, then you leave, and they don't understand, even if they try to.
My counselor on the otherhand, is a great help. She deals with my kind of problem often, and does understand it, which is very helpful. There is a huge difference between therapists and counselors.
Please look into to getting counseling, it really does help. Counseling may show you ways to get out of depression, push away negative or depressing thoughts, and more.
I know I sound like it's not true, but it is. I have both OCD and depression. I understand how you don't like your therapist; I don't like mine either.
But medication helped my depression, and it should help you too. Counseling helped a lot too, and please look into both.
There is a way to change! You can smile once again, be bright, happy and cheerful.
I truly do hope you feel better and get over your depression.
Lots of goodluck to you!!!
=) - a smiley for your day.
If what your are doing on a daily basis is boring, I'd suggest changing almost everything, your job, where you eat, going out to different places. If you go to clubs, then go to libraries instead. If you spend time in your home before or after work, then spend time outside instead, where you see people walking by, and say, ';hi!'; to them. Think about your standards and accept only the highest from yourself. It's all about you. Your one minute is up!
No matter how abd things are ytou can always change them for the better..Suicide? Ends your life doesn't change anything, one of the most selfish acts someone can do...Ever read Hamlet? During the solilquey of ';To be or not to be...'; he gives a quite insightful view of suicide...not to down play the pain you are going through but it sounds like you have depression, a mood disorder that has a high success rate find an new doctor get some medication and you will see improvement
You need to get some new hobbies, got to church, find some new friends. I agree that you could try moving and gettting a new career. Do not kill yourself. Find someon that can be there anytime you feel suicidal. I know that u don't want to go to a therapist but you can find ones out there that are really there to help. I would be your friend. I am friends with everyone. Try to be more out going and friendly. Try to do something that is out of the norm and exciting for you. Good Luck and God Bless.
Sounds like you need a complete re-do. There is hope, of course!!! I think you need to go camping and traveling. Go do something you have never done before. Eat Ethiopian food, buy an am-track ticket to another city and walk around and see the sights. Go Kayaking!!! Go wind-surfing!!!! Go Para-sailing.Go river rafting! Go on a hot air balloon ride!!! Watch the sunset! Go see art galleries and look at the beauty. Go to a concert. Go horseback riding along the beach!!! Go hang gliding!! If you are thinking about ending it all anyway none of these things should scare you!!! Book tickets to Yellowstone- you will be surrounded by beauty there. You can say it won't make a difference, that you will be depressed wherever you go, but I assure you, if you distract yourself from your problems with wonder, adventure and beauty, you will find you are not distracting yourself at all but rather finding yourself again. DO IT!!! Its your life and it's wondrous. You can make it so. Act like it's a business project- to give yourself a life, a good life, full of balance and harmony. Look at the world around you- the beautiful parts. Even though it seems like there is a lot of hate and despair in this world I can assure you that the amount of bad in this universe is minuscule compared to the good and love that abounds in it.! Go plant flowers. Buy a book on backpacking through the wilderness. Buy a book on reincarnation, NDE, Obe's. Find what you believe is true. Go see a comedian. Wake up early with your favorite coffee and tea and watch the sunrise. Go on a roller coaster. Discover something new. You will find that you can be delighted again, in your heart, like when you were a kid riding your bike over bumps and past meadows. Go to a mountain, go to the sea, go to fields of flowers, go to a wildlife refuge, get a job picking apples in Washington and slow you life down or go find a job waiting tables in the city and speed your life up. Change your life. It's the personal project fate gave you. It's yours to nurse and thrive or to destroy, or to merely survive. Do what you have always wanted to do. See if you can amuse yourself on this wonderful Earth another few years. Who cares what other people think- lose yourself to happiness, love, joy and be wacky if you must. Create a painting or two or enough to have a show!! Learn Spanish and go surf Mexico!!! Go find the Buddhist monks in the Himalaya's and ask what makes them happy. If you do everything I have mentioned in this note but still feel like you need to end it all then I recommend the only decent counselor I know- God. He will help you, I am sure of it, and he doesn't charge a thing!!! If you make an appointment with Him tell Him hi for me. He will know who your talking about. He knows everything. And he even thought of YOU.
I'm sorry to hear that. But try to think about the bright side of things. Instead of saying, ';I hate my life! My life is so boring!'; say something like, ';At least I have many years ahead of me to better myself.'; I'm currently reading a book called ';The Secret.'; There is also a movie-- which I'm going to view after I read the book. I advise reading and/or watching ';The Secret.'; The author is Rhonda Byrne-- it might help you find it easier. If you wish, you may go to my profile and e-mail me. I'm here with open ears! Good luck! ;)
What ever you do,just don't resort to suicide.You say that you would like to move on to greener pastures. Well this cannot be achieved with suicide since suicide is a mortal sin. You said that you are sick of therapists.I think what you need is some good old faith.You need to start reading your Bible and praying.Ask God to give you the fullfilment that you so desperately need.I know that this would probably sound kind of silly to you but you need to realize that God is your ultimate source of hope.Go out into your community and look for people who are in need of help.Do whatever you can to help them.Giving to others makes you feel better.If you so horribly hate your job,take a leap of faith and get a job that really catches your interests and that would enable you to contribute to society in a positive way. Goodluck and I really hope that you feel better.Just remember there is hope!!
How can I drastically change my life besides the military?
I dont have any friends it seems, my job isnt too excited. What will get me out of here, the country, I dont care where. Something where most, or all is paid for. Too good to be true? I know its out there. Thanks.How can I drastically change my life besides the military?
The military is a good choice, really.
However, if that type of service is not for you, I suggest that you consider foreign service or assistance organizations.long hair styles how to live with a narcissist
The military is a good choice, really.
However, if that type of service is not for you, I suggest that you consider foreign service or assistance organizations.
How can I change my life around and get into a GREAT UNIVERSITY?
I am not rich. I am 17 years old. A senior in High School and I am a little late to decide to apply to a college.My High school GPA is about 2.8 and my SAT Reasoning Test scores are about 500 each, my math section was the lowest one with the score of 480.
I want to apply to Cornell University (School of Hotel Administration) this is my first choice. My second choice is Cornell University The Johnson School
Also, can I go to a 4-year Hotel management school and then maybe get my doctoral in a prestigious Business School such as Stern University of New York? Is the Hope For Me??
I don't know if I should even apply to a great school like Stern University or any other prestigious business school. I mean my grades are decent. I have not participated in any extra curricular activities in high school accept in yearbook.
Please help. ThanksHow can I change my life around and get into a GREAT UNIVERSITY?
Your grades and test scores won't get you into Harvard, and they may be a little on the low side for Cornell, but you never know. It's not a big deal if you don't get into the school of your choice your freshman year. Its pretty common for college students to transfer from one college to another in their sophomore or junior year.
I had grades and test scores similar to yours coming out of high school, and I didn't get accepted at the school of my choice. As it turned out, this actually worked out better. I attended a local university for my first two years while still living at home. That saved an incredible amount of money since I wanted to attend an out-of-state school. I got OK grades the first two years in college, but nothing to brag about. For my junior year, I applied to three schools, and got accepted to my first choice and my third choice. By going to two different universities, I ended up getting a much better education by gleaning the best of both schools.
If you want to attend a prestigious school, you may have to do so as a transfer student, after demonstrating that you are capable. That means taking a good core curriculum that is similar to the requirements in the school you want to transfer to, and getting a grade point average of 3.0 or greater. If you do this, or even do better, you may also be able to get a scholarship for the last two years.
I want to apply to Cornell University (School of Hotel Administration) this is my first choice. My second choice is Cornell University The Johnson School
Also, can I go to a 4-year Hotel management school and then maybe get my doctoral in a prestigious Business School such as Stern University of New York? Is the Hope For Me??
I don't know if I should even apply to a great school like Stern University or any other prestigious business school. I mean my grades are decent. I have not participated in any extra curricular activities in high school accept in yearbook.
Please help. ThanksHow can I change my life around and get into a GREAT UNIVERSITY?
Your grades and test scores won't get you into Harvard, and they may be a little on the low side for Cornell, but you never know. It's not a big deal if you don't get into the school of your choice your freshman year. Its pretty common for college students to transfer from one college to another in their sophomore or junior year.
I had grades and test scores similar to yours coming out of high school, and I didn't get accepted at the school of my choice. As it turned out, this actually worked out better. I attended a local university for my first two years while still living at home. That saved an incredible amount of money since I wanted to attend an out-of-state school. I got OK grades the first two years in college, but nothing to brag about. For my junior year, I applied to three schools, and got accepted to my first choice and my third choice. By going to two different universities, I ended up getting a much better education by gleaning the best of both schools.
If you want to attend a prestigious school, you may have to do so as a transfer student, after demonstrating that you are capable. That means taking a good core curriculum that is similar to the requirements in the school you want to transfer to, and getting a grade point average of 3.0 or greater. If you do this, or even do better, you may also be able to get a scholarship for the last two years.
Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
Mine would be:
1. Hurricane Katrina- Im from New Olreans and i lost everything in that storm. I understand the importance of life and how you shouldnt cherish material things.
2. When i got a divorce- I didnt know i was such a bad wife until my ex finally open his mouth and my eyes. I think about other feelings before i do things.
3. When i moved out the housing project- I didnt know that the world had so much to offer. I was stuck in that situation without a choice. From that day forward i wanted to make sure my life had meaning.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
Well I can think of more than 3 actually, I was born at 27 wks, fifty some years ago when they didn't have all the neonatal stuff they do now. Was born ' blind' and had other complications which didn't rear their heads until I was an adult. Luckily I had parents who raised me for me and saw the disability as part of me but not defining me. Despite all the obstacles , I finished university, have two degrees ( and they're not conditional degrees , I earned both of em) I've managed to live a happy well adjusted life doing what I want when I want .
Had a near death experience 16 years ago after major surgery and then my mum died a week later in the same hospital in the same room in the same bed. I learned I wasn't done doing what I was supposed to do, even tho I looked like I should be dying.
Last November had a heart attack, my kidneys failed due to a flu virus and dehydration, I nearly died. I am appreciative of my friends and the fact that I am still here and still going and that I had no residual heart or kidney damage. Life is precious and good.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
1~ Fostering another persons screwed up kid, she was mentally unstable and in the end made life very dificult, will NEVER do that again.
2~ Having children, made me grow up.
3~ death of a loved one.
Reminds me that life is short. Close all letters to new partner with 7 x's and o's one for each day of the week just in case I dont get to do it tomorrow.
i would say Hurricane Katrina why? becuase it taught me not to only think of my self but other people in need that lost everything
1. Hurricane Katrina- Im from New Olreans and i lost everything in that storm. I understand the importance of life and how you shouldnt cherish material things.
2. When i got a divorce- I didnt know i was such a bad wife until my ex finally open his mouth and my eyes. I think about other feelings before i do things.
3. When i moved out the housing project- I didnt know that the world had so much to offer. I was stuck in that situation without a choice. From that day forward i wanted to make sure my life had meaning.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
Well I can think of more than 3 actually, I was born at 27 wks, fifty some years ago when they didn't have all the neonatal stuff they do now. Was born ' blind' and had other complications which didn't rear their heads until I was an adult. Luckily I had parents who raised me for me and saw the disability as part of me but not defining me. Despite all the obstacles , I finished university, have two degrees ( and they're not conditional degrees , I earned both of em) I've managed to live a happy well adjusted life doing what I want when I want .
Had a near death experience 16 years ago after major surgery and then my mum died a week later in the same hospital in the same room in the same bed. I learned I wasn't done doing what I was supposed to do, even tho I looked like I should be dying.
Last November had a heart attack, my kidneys failed due to a flu virus and dehydration, I nearly died. I am appreciative of my friends and the fact that I am still here and still going and that I had no residual heart or kidney damage. Life is precious and good.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
1~ Fostering another persons screwed up kid, she was mentally unstable and in the end made life very dificult, will NEVER do that again.
2~ Having children, made me grow up.
3~ death of a loved one.
Reminds me that life is short. Close all letters to new partner with 7 x's and o's one for each day of the week just in case I dont get to do it tomorrow.
i would say Hurricane Katrina why? becuase it taught me not to only think of my self but other people in need that lost everything
Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
Mine would be:
1. Hurricane Katrina- Im from New Olreans and i lost everything in that storm. I understand the importance of life and how you shouldnt cherish material things.
2. When i got a divorce- I didnt know i was such a bad wife until my ex finally open his mouth and my eyes. I think about other feelings before i do things.
3. When i moved out the housing project- I didnt know that the world had so much to offer. I was stuck in that situation without a choice. From that day forward i wanted to make sure my life had meaning.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
1. When I got into a fight in middle school and they sent me to an alternative one. When I returned from the alternative school I no longer talked back, hit back, or cared what other people thought or said about me. I am more laid back, I don't like to argue, and I believe in keeping peace.
2. My mom's divorce. We grew closer and it made me realize how much a person needs to be independent. That you need to be able to take care of yourself and not rely on other people. I'm not saying that when you do meet someone you shouldn't love or be happy, but to not depend on them to make you happy. You should just give support and grow together.
3. I don't have a third one b/c these are the only two that stand out.
1. Hurricane Katrina- Im from New Olreans and i lost everything in that storm. I understand the importance of life and how you shouldnt cherish material things.
2. When i got a divorce- I didnt know i was such a bad wife until my ex finally open his mouth and my eyes. I think about other feelings before i do things.
3. When i moved out the housing project- I didnt know that the world had so much to offer. I was stuck in that situation without a choice. From that day forward i wanted to make sure my life had meaning.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
1. When I got into a fight in middle school and they sent me to an alternative one. When I returned from the alternative school I no longer talked back, hit back, or cared what other people thought or said about me. I am more laid back, I don't like to argue, and I believe in keeping peace.
2. My mom's divorce. We grew closer and it made me realize how much a person needs to be independent. That you need to be able to take care of yourself and not rely on other people. I'm not saying that when you do meet someone you shouldn't love or be happy, but to not depend on them to make you happy. You should just give support and grow together.
3. I don't have a third one b/c these are the only two that stand out.
How would i change my life and my looks?
I need to fix my life by
my look's and by my things i wear.How would i change my life and my looks?
Color and cut you hair, chang e your make up style and check out some fashion mags. they might give you an idea of what is ';in';
Good luck on your tranformation!How would i change my life and my looks?
changing your looks and the things you wear won't ';fix'; things.
The only way u can change ur life by ur looks is to find a look that makes u feel good, comfortable %26amp; confident. Usually u change ur life by the attitudes you have about yourself %26amp; others so tke one step at a time - like cut ur hair if it is long or change the color; if u don;t wearmakeup go to the mall %26amp; have one of the cosmetic counter free make up makeovers %26amp; have them help u pick a couple good make up tools to use - u don't have to buy from them but u can use their ideas %26amp; suggestions. Try on different styles of clothes %26amp; find one that is u forget what is ';in';, the idea is to make u feel good. You get the idea. Good luck. These are things I have done in my life at different times to make me feel better about me %26amp; I am now 56 with short (dyed) red hair w/blonde streaks %26amp; have started wearing only bright happy colors and I feel good about me %26amp; have had more compliments than ever before. I am also doing things that make me feel good, exercise, classes, dancing, etc. It all goes together, Just don't expect a dramatic change in ur life slow changes are usually better because they last longer. Be good to yourself you deserve it!
my look's and by my things i wear.How would i change my life and my looks?
Color and cut you hair, chang e your make up style and check out some fashion mags. they might give you an idea of what is ';in';
Good luck on your tranformation!How would i change my life and my looks?
changing your looks and the things you wear won't ';fix'; things.
The only way u can change ur life by ur looks is to find a look that makes u feel good, comfortable %26amp; confident. Usually u change ur life by the attitudes you have about yourself %26amp; others so tke one step at a time - like cut ur hair if it is long or change the color; if u don;t wearmakeup go to the mall %26amp; have one of the cosmetic counter free make up makeovers %26amp; have them help u pick a couple good make up tools to use - u don't have to buy from them but u can use their ideas %26amp; suggestions. Try on different styles of clothes %26amp; find one that is u forget what is ';in';, the idea is to make u feel good. You get the idea. Good luck. These are things I have done in my life at different times to make me feel better about me %26amp; I am now 56 with short (dyed) red hair w/blonde streaks %26amp; have started wearing only bright happy colors and I feel good about me %26amp; have had more compliments than ever before. I am also doing things that make me feel good, exercise, classes, dancing, etc. It all goes together, Just don't expect a dramatic change in ur life slow changes are usually better because they last longer. Be good to yourself you deserve it!
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