Monday, November 22, 2010

How do I change my life?

Over the past 3 years or since i've moved from home to attend college i've experienced a lot of bad and some good things and i feel like i've lost myself along the way. I didn't realize how much depression effects and changes ones life. I'm suffering in school and in family and personal relationships and i have trouble sleeping. I have dug myself in such a deep hole that i don't know how to get out. I've talked to my parents and all they say is that i should come and that my life would be easier, but i feel that going back home isn't going to change hoew i feel. I have lost the motivation that i once had in school, i don't get excited about it like i once did. I put on an act around others so they think everything is alright and for a while i even convinced myself it was true.

I guess what i'm saying is that i feel i need to start over with school and everything. but not sure how.

I need advice from people who have maybe felt the same way.How do I change my life?
I definitely understand where you are coming from... I started college with so much ambition and drive... then 2 years later I was lost and couldn't understand where it all went. When you say you are losing yourself... that's not true... These are the years where you will actually eventually find yourself. You will do more growing up and changing during this period in your life in my opinion/experience then any other point in your life. It is a little depressing when you look in the mirror and you don't really recognize who the person is staring back at you. My advice to you is to stick with your close friends, they will help you through this and chances are that they may be going through some of the same things. I didn't end up leaving college with a degree. I left with a lot of life lessons and an actual idea of the kind of person that I would like to end up being in life. I plan to go back to school, but for now I am concentrating on other aspects of my life.

This is also a very stressful period in life. College is stressful even with out the personal issues thrown in with it. My health had taken a severe turn for the worse and the only answer I ever got from doctors was that it was 'stress'

Hold your head high, don't forget to breath, take a break if you have to. Find someone that will listen to you and take you seriously... Do what you have to do for YOURSELF and put others second always.How do I change my life?
This is a fix-all...

Join the Air Force. They pay for everything...Food, shelter (carpet and AC), you NEVER sleep out in a tent or a foxhole, fresh meals (no MREs), medical, dental, education. THEY pay you to learn AND travel. You have some college so you'll start out at a higher rank after basic training.
what's ur religion?

if youre catholic/christian try praying or try making a reflection diary and put only the good things you experience daily.. you might say you dont have one but try to think of something even the slightest and smallest seeing the beauty of a sunset or the stars sparkling at night..........etc
I don't think you should go home. Try talking to someone at your schools health center to help you out. Do you want to leave the college you are at? If you do, you could transfer to a different school and start over there. But whatever you do I think you should talk to a counselor. For me going home wouldn't be a good thing but for you I don't know because I don't know you. It might be easier if you went home but it's not always good to take the easy way out. You can do this you just might need some help. Good luck!
Hi, I was there once too! And that is when I meet a man that helped me get though all the bad times as well. See he helped me to relize that I was very special and that I was never alone in this big world of his. I was very confused and he help me to find my purpose in life, and i think that is what your going threw. I went threw it and so have many others its call a young adult mid life purpose crisis, thats what i found out lol. If you would like to get to know this man his name is Jesus. I'm not telling you to change your life just ask him to help you and you'll see that he will be there for you and things will start to change on there own. If you feel alone find a christian group on wednesday nights or go on and watch some of his video. You'll love what God has to say to you!

Good Luck and God Bless! If you need a friend write to me I'll be here for you too! Take Care.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been there myself and have gone through the same thing when I was in college. It's hard when you're away from home and your comfort zone and dont't feel as if you have an outlet to cope with you may feel that you are going through. I wouldn't recommend starting over in school-unless you have flunked out. What I would recommend is really taking a look at what it is that is making you feel bad towards yourself. We all have to find a way to cope with the negative feelings that we keep inside of us. If we don't, then those things will eat us alive. If you really do feel that you are depressed, then you may want to find professional help, or contact a mental health specialist. There are also things such as medication, but it doesn't sound like you've gotten that far down the road.

What I would recommend is being honest with your self and talk to someone. Also-know that what you feel may not be considered normal, but it is NOT uncommon. Don't tell yourself that you are crazy or odd, or feel ashamed of the feelings that you have-because they are valid. Usually the first thing that people do when they feel anything like depression is isolate themselves. Don't do that. Now I don't mean go party, but don't alienate anyone. Remember keep an open mind. Everything has a solution, and things are never really over-though at times they often can seem that way. Just remember to try and love yourself too, and strip yourself of as many stresses or people that stress you out as possible. Then try to clear your mind, and as often as you can...relax, take some time for you and try to do things that make you happy, or at least make you smile.

If you want to talk further-you can email me: Most important thing to remember is not to hold your feelings inside-that can do more damage long term than you know.
I have a grand daughter in her 5th year of college. She moved out in her 4th year which doesn't have to be a bad thing except it's a shock to the family and the student. It's an abrupt change where everything that you're used to ripped up and moved. You have to get used to a new place to live and go to school, along with all new teachers and classes. It seems like a lot of pressure on your life all a once. You also have to take care of your immediate finances, your meals, your laundering, etc. I think it's a great deal of pressure for anyone.

I know it's important for college students to be on their own. They need to grow up and take care of their own life. But, it just seems like a big load to carry all at one time. It's bound to take a toll on your motivation also. You need to feel free to put most of your time on your studies and your new friends, etc.

Maybe, the time to leave home is wrong. Maybe it should be when college is over or almost over. Unless of course you go away to college which most do.

It's really a lot of pressure to be under. Maybe, you could get yourself more motivated and a lot of pressure off of your shoulders if you moved back home. It's a big decision for you to make. You know what it's like away from home and you'll have plenty of time after you get through school and your new job. Right now, you need to decide if you really want to go back home. How will things be with your parents? Will they give you the space you will need? Or that you will want? Do all of you get along well enough to go home?

It may give all your needs plenty of room to relax and find your motivation to get in the college groove that you need.

I don't remember how the semesters start, but are you just starting a new semester? Can you make any needed changes and salvage what's left of this period? Or would you scrap this one and start all over in the next semester? Good luck to you and your classes and your peace of mind. You deserve it.
You probably are not used to living on your own. It takes time to adjust.

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