patience is a virtue.. take it one day at a time because when you try to change who you are all at once you lose a sense of self.. at least try to figure out the things that make you think so negatively and try to flip those around to see the positive about them.. a life changing event does not need to happen to make you feel like you want something different and more to life.. you never know that life changing event that you are waiting on could be something that could change your life for the worst.. like i said just be patient and handle it one day at a time..Is a life changing even the only thing that can change one's life drastically?
No. The most significant changes happen one day at a time.
And people who wait for something to happen to them? They waste a LOT of those days.
It's your life, it's in your have the ability to change yourself and your mindset, you just need some motivation.
Sadly, for some people it does take a life changing event for them to turn their lives around.
So, I suggest you start turning things around on your own, because life changing events aren't exactly a walk in the park. Go listen to some upbeat, happy music and dance your heart out in your room =). Or, surround yourself with friends and laughter. Do whatever you need to do to stay positive. Who isn't confused about their life or who hasn't been confused at one point? Either let the situation work out on its own, whatever is causing your confusion...or, figure out what you can do about it. Follow your heart.
I have once heard ';Pain is the Catalyst for all change'; .....I believe it to be 98ish% percent true.....
There is a technique used In hypnosis where you progress to your last minutes before dying. You then ask ';what would I have done differently?';. That should do it for you. Life is a series of events we can influence for good or bad, but we must have meaning.
Each decision you make leads you in one direction or one of the many others. That is why we should strive to make the best decisions each time one comes up. If we make one that is wrong (and we will, I guarantee) then we need to realize it and change direction if possible, or just try to choose better the next time. We will always be living in the effect of our choices. Some we can mitigate, others we will enjoy, and some we will have to endure. That is just the way life is. Today maybe you can start a journal of the things you are thankful for. List at least three things each day. That small step could be a start to changing your thinking for the better.
The best thing that has happened to me is coming to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It has changed my life drastically for the better. I am not saying that I don't still struggle with some of the same things, but now I have someone to help me in the struggle and love me even when I don't.
You just have to just start living life as it comes, and let the rest change in its own time
Why are you in such a rush to know all the answers take your time believe in you and have a nice life.
no, it can occur from changes in thinking
a lot of positive thinking studies can be cultish, but there are good basic principals that can work for everyone
i had some of the same frustrations, and got tired of being blamed for my attitude, so i asked 'well ok, how do people with better attitudes think' theoretically, if i changed my thinking, things would change - slowly but surely, they did
you need to study how winners think. in some cases, they're gifted people born to rich successfull people, so winning is easy and natural. but that's not always the case
here's a link to a good book - it's out of print, but you can buy it on amazon used for about 5 bucks including shipping! (or you might find it at a used book store)
try it - it really addresses in a very practical way, winning vs losing thinking - the reality is most people do both - it focusses on how to do more winning than losing thinking. the book is short, direct and practical. it's down to earth, not 'fluffy' like some self help stuff can be
it's about 20 years old, but the best ideas never really change that much
read the reviews on amazon
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