Saturday, November 20, 2010

Many people say that hypnosis is wonderful. If you tried it, please tell me how did it change your life?

I'm really interested in hypnosis. And I want to know how much it can change my life particularly in my studies.

Thanks for the help.Many people say that hypnosis is wonderful. If you tried it, please tell me how did it change your life?
I love hypnosis! I started using it when I was at the lowest point in my life. I had lost my partner of several years. Since we were moving to a new city, I didn't have a job. So I ended up back at my parents' house in my 30s, embarrassed and broken. And depressed out of my mind. Couldn't get out of bed, didn't eat, snapped at people for no reason.

I spent about six months like this.

I think I was punishing myself for having lost this relationship. I canceled the only job interview I had. I didn't go out or call old friends. I did try therapy, but I ran out of money before we got anywhere.

So after my second daily round of Googling my ex, I started screwing around online looking for answers. Eventually I found some stuff about hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Before, I would have moved on. I thought it was too New Age-y and weird. This time, I was desperate. Something about the idea of letting go of all this bad stuff really dug into me. I think I went back to the page three or four times before I finally ordered the CD. (I would up going crazy and getting CDs from every major online hypnotist-- the first one that really clicked for me was by Mark Cunningham. I don't agree with everything he sells, but I'll vouch for his ';Trance in the First Place'; CD. Then I got CDs for specific problems from some other guys. I like Steve G Jones too, even though his inductions take forever).

So I'd use the CD, go out like a light, and wake up feeling TOTALLY different. I'd never had an experience like that before...

I used the tapes daily, each for about a month. First I used one about letting go of past failures. Soon I was Googling the ex less and less. Then I used one about being confident and outgoing. The first time I really felt like, ';oh, this stuff WORKS,'; was when I started talking to a random stranger at Best Buy. No big talk, just a fun, chat about nothing. I left feeling great and so did she. And I would have NEVER done that before. I'm naturally shy, or I was before hypnosis.

I smile more, I go out more, I interact with people more expecting nothing in return. I'm working again and I'm over the ex, over my past. Yeah, I thank hypnosis for this. I wrote more about why I think it all works at my site below, which is really personal to me. The main thing is, I couldn't get there with therapy and without it I'd still be depressed and stuck in bed. Now I have it as part of my toolbox for getting better, living happier, and getting what I want out of life.Many people say that hypnosis is wonderful. If you tried it, please tell me how did it change your life?
I have used hypnosis along with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) for around 10 years.

Self-hypnosis (for which there is an article linked below), is a really good way to solve your own problems and learn about yourself. I often use self-hypnosis to ask my unconscious questions that I'm struggling to solve.

Two of my main uses of Hypnosis has been for self-confidence and motivation. I tend to use it along with NLP (again see below), which is like turbo charging your hypnosis.

The two sites I've mentioned below contain exercises you can use to experiment with your own mind, and use hypnosis yourself.

Good Luck

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