First YOU have to decide what it is that YOU don't like about YOU.
Then you take those things and try to change one at a time to be the way you want them to be.
Once you are happy with yourself then you are done.
If anyoner doesnot like the end result it's to bad for them because you are happy with you.How does one person change his life?
Thank you for choosing my answer
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I recommend taking a martial art like aikido or judo.
It will improve you physically, mentallly, emotionally, and in every way. It is a form of meditation which will help you change your
behavior and life for the better.
Set goals, seek challenges, and never give up. Believe in yourself and be determined in all that you do - face your fears and never - never let anyone tell you that you can't do something (unless that something's flying in a superman costume or entering high security government grounds carrying a water gun)
Go out running... and do it often for health and vitality. Buy sailboat and study about how to sail... Get a wife and have a child.... Travel to a different land and live there for 1 year. Study their culture and language. I have done all of the above. I had fun!
Change always begins with a desire. Needless to say the change is not always for the better. But you have to set goals, like I want to be nicer. And then you start gradually being nicer, and so on, and on.
i suppose you should first know what it is you want and what would make you happy. Once you know, do everything you can to make it happen (assuming it doesn't involve hurting anyone of course).
by setting goals and looking into yourself to see who you are and knowing exactly what needs to be improved. but most of all by beleaving in yourself
Make the decision on what actions you will take to change, then follow thru. How you choose to improve your life matters, going to school, or making changes based upon character? you need to decide what the best course of action is for you. Volunteering is a good way see how you can help others and this can change and improve your life in ways you never imagined.Good Luck!
To be a new creation, ask Jesus into your heart. He restores your relationship with God and it's only UP from there.
One of the ways that I was taught is through NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), which trains your brain to think and adapt to change. One of the key factors in making NLP work is to DO IT. You have to develop the NIKE attitude and just DO IT. If you don't like the place you live in, change it or move. If you don't like the courses you are taking, change your major. If you don't like a relationship you are in, discuss the issues with your partner and if he/she doesn't adapt or change, you change ... partners. One almost has to be a radical change-maker and in a mood to make radical changes and feel okay about not being comfortable for a period of time until the changes are in place.
the willingness to change and mean it must be their first
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