Monday, November 22, 2010

Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?

Mine would be:

1. Hurricane Katrina- Im from New Olreans and i lost everything in that storm. I understand the importance of life and how you shouldnt cherish material things.

2. When i got a divorce- I didnt know i was such a bad wife until my ex finally open his mouth and my eyes. I think about other feelings before i do things.

3. When i moved out the housing project- I didnt know that the world had so much to offer. I was stuck in that situation without a choice. From that day forward i wanted to make sure my life had meaning.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
Well I can think of more than 3 actually, I was born at 27 wks, fifty some years ago when they didn't have all the neonatal stuff they do now. Was born ' blind' and had other complications which didn't rear their heads until I was an adult. Luckily I had parents who raised me for me and saw the disability as part of me but not defining me. Despite all the obstacles , I finished university, have two degrees ( and they're not conditional degrees , I earned both of em) I've managed to live a happy well adjusted life doing what I want when I want .

Had a near death experience 16 years ago after major surgery and then my mum died a week later in the same hospital in the same room in the same bed. I learned I wasn't done doing what I was supposed to do, even tho I looked like I should be dying.

Last November had a heart attack, my kidneys failed due to a flu virus and dehydration, I nearly died. I am appreciative of my friends and the fact that I am still here and still going and that I had no residual heart or kidney damage. Life is precious and good.Can you name 3 life changing situations thats you have been thru and how did it change your way of thinking?
1~ Fostering another persons screwed up kid, she was mentally unstable and in the end made life very dificult, will NEVER do that again.

2~ Having children, made me grow up.

3~ death of a loved one.

Reminds me that life is short. Close all letters to new partner with 7 x's and o's one for each day of the week just in case I dont get to do it tomorrow.
i would say Hurricane Katrina why? becuase it taught me not to only think of my self but other people in need that lost everything

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