Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to change my boring old life into one with excitement?

I'm only 13 years old and i feel like my life is a routine. Wake up, take a shower, go to school, come back. Even at school people say i dont know how to have fun. What are they talking about? Girls thing im funny but i think they dont think i know how to have fun. How do i change my life around?

Ps: i know this is one of those harder questions so please answer if you have timeHow to change my boring old life into one with excitement?
This is the time to look at your talents and gifts and start to develop them. A routine is very important at your age because it sets you up for an honorable working life later. A lot depends on how you define excitement - the most important thing is to choose things that get you excited but that are positive things. You mentioned that girls find you funny - is there a community theatre locally that you can get involved in? Do you like performance and taking on a role - entertaining others? In that case, you might really enjoy and learn a lot from that. It would require your parents participation and you have to prove that your grades wouldn't slip, etc if you tried this, but I find that most parents will encourage healthy, positive learning experiences because it will benefit you in the long run. The theater is only one example - volunteering or getting involved in sports, youth groups, volunteering or clubs is a terrific way to break out of your routine and learn something new. If you start looking around, you'll see your opportunies. Listen to your internal voice to guide you to the right place. Good luck to you - enjoy the journey!How to change my boring old life into one with excitement?
bury yourself in sand

run away to go meet people you met while playing COD4
how to make your life moore exciting? i can help you with that. Get girls lots of girls, and have sex with them tell them its your first time, which it prolly is, since you dont know how to have fun, and BAM!! you've just created new relationships that are there for you whenever you need them, if you know what i mean. Sex is always a way to have fun, but only if you know what you're doing.

Good luck, dude, and wear a condom!
What's hard about it. Listen, you are 13 and from this age till about 17 or 18 your peers are going to be your primary reference group. You are going to be really worried about how you look to them, what they think of you and all the rest. Here is the spot on..... None of this matters. You will grow out of it!

Ad for fun. People have fun in different ways. One guy collects butterflies and thinks of it as the most fascinating thing in the world. I play darts and can spend 5 or 6 hours practicing on a good day. Another person writes, scuba dives, sky dives, or hikes. You do not need to do any of these things to have fun. You need to do your thing and if no one else at all thinks that your idea of fun is fun, you need to get that it really does not matter. It is fun to you and that is all that matters. Don't worry so much about pleasing others, you can not please all the people all the time. It is foolish to even try.
Hang out with people outside of school.

Also, what are you interested in? You've got hobbies I'm sure, pursue them. Join a club, or if you are musical, join a band. If you're into hiking and outdoorsey stuff, join the eagle scouts or something similar. Life experience is arguably just as important as education and academia. See what's out there!

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