Monday, November 22, 2010

Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?

I am worried about my mother. It seems she has been very depressed lately , many factors include financial trouble, and the recent separation from her Husband. Can you give me some tips on how I can help her out.Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?
I am not sure the change of life alone can cause depressions, I think it usually comes together with other problems. No wonder you mom is depressed, separation from a spouse is terrible, at least the shock is like amputation and it takes awhile to recover. She needs good friends, good support groups, talk to other women who are in the same situation. Look here (I do not know where you live otherwise I would have looked for groups in your area but its no problem to find)

She needs to open a new page in her life both to boost her social life and her financial situation. Look for a job if she has none etc. Maybe she needs a bit of counseling? There are Free of charge counselors depending again on your location.

Its wonderful you want to help your mom, support is what she needs most.Will a woman out there explain to me the emotional impact of the change of life?
i would but i'm not a woman.......well, ok i will......get her some progesterone cream by Emerita, she'll feel great!!
I do empathise with your mum and I wish her well. It's the very reason I started this site to help women to rise above their problems. Read articles here:

good luck
Lots of systems are affected by the sudden drop/fluctuation in estrogen. Obviously physically, she may be tired, feeling 'run down', having trouble sleeping, headaches. Inside her pituitary glad- the body's chemical 'CPU', is on the fritz, and the drop in certain hormones can cause depression, something like what mothers call baby blues. The drop in estrogen allows other hormones to start driving, which isn't always a good thing. Depending on the order of events, the depression may have CAUSED the financial and marital trouble; it clouds the mind and makes it hard to make sensible decions. Of course regardless of that, those problems will only serve to make her depression worse. You probably ought to offer to take her to see a financial counseller, and suggest she go see an OB/GYN. A woman in her time of change should be examined for breast cancer, thyroid changes (also cause depression), and to make sure she hasn't any unusual problems with the ovaries. The issue of hormones, depression, and possible hormone replacement can be addressed with an OB/GYN. Lots of women are in denial of this phase, so tact and gentleness are best. Barring all of that, volunteering with kids does good for a lot of women, who seem to feel that their usefulness has expired. Girl Scouts is a good place to start for that.

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