Monday, November 22, 2010

How did having a baby change your life?

I'm 24, and not quite at the place in my life when I'd like to have a baby, though I wonder what it's like when I see lots of girls my age with children. But since I don't have any, I see only the fun stuff...the clothes, baby showers, the cuddling. I was just wondering what kinds of changes you had to make to your life when you had a baby and what kinds of changes you didn't expect?How did having a baby change your life?
The biggest shocker from me was that the baby took 100% of my time. Period. You may get an hour or two to yourself but forget about having any free time to yourself. My kids are 15, 16 and 18 now and still take up much of my life. After a while, you get used to it and come to love it. I did anyway--can't speak for everyone of course. I was 26 when I had my first baby and no one told me to FORGET about doing anything I wanted to do for myself and that taking care of my kids was pretty much all I'd be doing. Like even now, my oldest is out of the house and my daughters, 15 and 16, keep coming in here like every 15 minutes for one thing or another. I love them all more than anything so that is another thing that changes--you will know what unconditional love is because you will probably love them more than you've ever loved anything/anyone. That's my experience anyway. If I had to do it again I would. My kids are the best! I would say do all the things you won't be able to do once you have kids and get it all out of your system before you have kids so you can focus totally on your baby.How did having a baby change your life?
id like to have one except i dont think im ready (and im a GUY) lol
I actually think that my husband has had a more difficult time adjusting then what I have overall. The stress gets to him sometimes and he struggles finding a good balance between work and home life.

As for me. My daughter changed my life in many ways, but most have been positive. She's helped me grow closer to God because I want to be her role model. It's not always easy though, the fun stuff is great..but when it's tough, it can get really tough.
My moms always saying, baby's are stressful until the age of 2. But they are also joyful. It depends on the baby :). I love my siblings though! I don't know what I would do without them. I do get stressed over the messes they make at times :). I would have one.
She make my life so much worth living now. I love her so much. She is Truly a blessing.
You have to be unselfish in everything you do. You have to no longer think of yourself first and always think in terms of what is best for my child. You give up sleep the first year, intimacy with your partner and spur of the moment activities. When all is said and done it is soooo worth it! Having a little one smile at you and give you those big slobbery kisses is the absolute most pure form of happiness.
that answer would take a lifetime to answer, as it becomes new every day...

you don't get to be selfish anymore, that's for sure

it's very rewarding, and helps you to grow up in your mind

most people look a little worse for the wear once they stretch like that

lots of fun stuff, lots of tears, lots of laughter, lots of ...poopy rears?
Had 2 babies they are almost exactly 1 year apart. Now they are 2 and 1 years old. Before I had them I was unsure if I could be a good father, but now I have no regrets whatsoever. In fact, my kids have made me much more mature and responsible. Its feels so good to arrive home from a long day of work, and they run up to you when you enter the house and they hug and kiss you. It makes everything worth it.
Let's see lack of sleep, the worry over SIDS and your child's health. I can't go anywhere alone, hell even going to the bathroom alone is now rare LOL

You just can't pick up and go, all trips need to be planned and geared towards your baby's needs.

all parts of my life have been changed, but at the end of the day watching my baby sleep or seeing her eyes light up at the sight of me I wouldn't change anything.

I am also in my 30's with a solid marriage and financially sound, that takes a HUGE weight off my shoulders. I have no clue how single parents do it.
having a baby is amazing scary and stressful all at the same time. when that baby is laid in your arms for the first time you get an overwhelming feeling of love different than anything you've ever felt. but you also get a feeling of responsibility and its scary your in charge if someones life. they depend on you your their only way of survival. all of a sudden its not about you anymore. but its so rewarding i love being a mom. just make sure your ready because its hard
a baby will always change your life no matter your age but I am 23 almost 24 and well i can't do the things I used to before my kids like just go out and do whatever I wanted. I love my kids I have 2 I had my 1st when I was 21. I just had my 2nd and my last. Anyway like I said I love my kids and glad I had them. The changes I've made or sacrifices is delaying finishing college to be home with them and not working as much right now. I love being a mom and taking care of my girls.
Having a baby changes EVERYTHING! But not in a bad way IF you are ready. You always have someone with you and always have someone to worry about. Every time you go anywhere or do anything you have to make sure they are taken care of FIRST. there is no more only worrying about yourself.

You cannot be selfish and you can rarely make last minute decisions lol You have a lot of unexpected along with expected expenses. You are ';on call'; 24/7.

But it is also the most amazing thing you could ever do with your life. If and when you are ready, nothing else matters. Your child/children are your number one and you cannot imagine life without them. If you are ready, you don't care about partying or doing things without your children. Of course you will need some time to yourself every now and then but your life revolves around your child/children.

Hope I gave you a little insight! =)
I really did not expect to have zero me time for quite some time. I though, heck when the little ones start sleeping longer I can read, maybe knit, soak in a long bath....

I had twins, I could not get them on the same schedule for months and even then there was always something.

I really was not prepared for a pair of toddlers. I don't think anybody can really be prepared for an unprovoked complete meltdown in the grocery store.

I was also not prepared for how something so small can generate so much laundry.

I was not prepared for how frightened my husband was of the boys. For the first few months, he was in constant panic about breaking them, dropping them, holding them too tight. You name it, he freaked out.

I was not prepared for how going out for 10 minutes can take an hour of preparation. Make sure everybody is dry, fed, comfortable, warm enough. An just when you zip up that last snowsuit, just when you strap them into the car seat, somebody poops so you have to do it all over again.

I was also cocky enough to think that I could handle the sleep deprivation. After about the 5th time you put flour in your coffee, or go a whole day and forget to eat or dress yourself. By about the third time you fall asleep hunched over the dryer, you realize nobody is every really prepared to function on that little sleep.
I have 2 children a daughter that's almost 2 and a son that is 6 weeks. They are the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn't give them up for anything.

Positives: The smile, laughs, cuddles, hugs, and kisses. The feeling of pride when your child rolls over, takes a step, goes potty in the potty for the first time. You'll never understand how a little bit of pee in a potty can make your life seem wonderful

Negatives: No you time, not getting to use the bathroom alone, sleepless nights, worrying about everything from bumps to sids to perverts, poop, vomit, headaches, potty training.

Its all so worth it! I'd take the bad stuff any day.
i raised my two children on my own and it isn't all fun and games...all areas of life have their ups and their are downs...i wouldn't change having my children...if you are a good parent...your children will be the main focus of the rest of your life...when you get married you repeat the words...until death do you part...when a person has a child it is exactly like have another human being to love, care for, provide for, protect, worry about, teach, guide, and so many more...there are the times when your child comes to you and just wants to be is a wonderful feeling... a change i made in my life was acting more responsible...the change i didn't expect was loving someone more than life itself...
The birth of a new baby is the happiest time of my life and a highly magnificant occasion. It is indeed more exciting and wonderful than I ever dreamed. Life will never be the same. It, in fact, just begins.

Now I must learn to love in a different way. Share everything with my baby. Share laughter, smiling and so on.
I have no friends left.

My hubby left me.

I don't have any time to myself during the day.

I hardly have time to eat anything myself, since I'm nursing all day.

I can't go to the movies.

I feel guilty even about going to work, because she'll be without me.

Every second of every day is spent thinking about her.

I worry constantly.

All I do is try to be the best mother.

And I wouldn't take it back or change a thing. I love that girl to death, and I love how unselfish I have to be. I can't say that I was very selfish before, but now, whenever I have to get up from a nap or stop eating or get off the computer, my heart swells with pride. It's such an amazing feeling to be totally unselfish.
lol, you really are no where NEAR ready!

having a baby changes EVERYTHING!

I'm not even a mother yet, nor do I want a kid yet. I'm also the same age as you, married, and settled into my career

any parent will tell you that you will never be fully prepared and you never be able to predict everything that will happen. but when you know you're ready, you just know

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