Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to you start to change your life when it's such a mess?

I have so many physical and mental problems that it's just ridiculous. Because of these things, I also have trouble with my sleep, being overweight, being generally unhealthy, being off track with any type of beauty regimen, procrastination, intense fatigue, wanting to shop too much, and clutter (worse than the messiest house in the country as chosen by the Clean House show).

How can I get started on fixing my life and making changes without feeling overwhelmed and anxious? Any ideas?How to you start to change your life when it's such a mess?
I have had the same problem, I was recently diagnosed with bi-polar, they put me on some meds and now my house is cleaner, I feel better, and I have more energy.How to you start to change your life when it's such a mess?

do one thing at a time
Well, the good news is, you know and realize what your problems are and you realize that you need to change them. Now, make a plan and put the plan in action. Be patient and don't let people convince you that you will fail. Always keep a positive attitude and feel good about yourself. Good luck
Take 'baby steps.' Choose one thing that is very small that you know you CAN change ... try your 'beauty regimen.' Let's say you don't pay attention to how you dress. Every night before you go to bed, choose a 'good looking outfit' for the next day, and be sure the colors all go together, there are no stains, shoes are clean/polished, etc. Do that every night for two months ... then keep doing that, but choose another thing you 'can change' and start to do that. It takes TIME to change, and it seems impossible when you know that EVERYTHING needs to be changed ... but by chosing one little thing and spending a full two months on 'changing that' until it becomes HABIT you CAN change your whole life. Just take 'baby steps' ... come on, take the first baby step ... you'll be 'walking tall' in no time!
Attending a wisely chosen church with supportive members would be a great start. You will need positive reinforcement to give you the strength to attack both your physical and emotional problems.

I believe your problem with weight could be causing much of the emotional baggage. Medical help should be sought for a solution here.

The power of prayer helped me out of similar ruts.

Good luck and God bless
Start with one thing...the easiest thing and fix it (or least attempt to anyway) and then move on to the next thing and before you know it your life will start falling back into order.

I would start with cleaning the house. I always find that I'm a much more productive person when my house is clean. Then work on some sort of can take baby steps with the diet, maybe just start by drinking diet soda, or making a goal of eating 3 servings of veggies and 2 serving of fruit a day. I wouldn't worry about the beauty beauty regimen includes waking up, showering and putting my makeup on on the way to school. I would also make an appt with your doctor to discuss some ways you might be able to improve your health. Seek counseling if you feel it might help you overcome some of your mental problems.

Just take baby steps, start with something small and you will be amazed at how all the positive changes will start snowballing!
It's tough, I know. But the solution is quite simple, and the steps involved are quite simple (although it is not easy).

1. Acknowledge the problem.

2. Find the cause.

3. Find a solution.

4. Start fixing it, one day at a time.

5. Repeat the process until problem is fixed.

6. Find another problem. Repeat the process over.

My advice: Find a mentor who has gone through the same or similar problems and has overcome the problems.
write out a 5 year plan or less.....throw out some of the things in ur home that makes it messy....besides some of those things holds old memories....get up off ur behind find some self esteem...set a goal and stick to it....and once you complete what you said you were going to do...that will give you a dose of self finally show urself that you can do STOP throwing urself a pity party and do something...for starters clean up and throw away the devil he is a liar and gain ur life back.....u deserve better!
You are already on the way with a desire to change. I would start with small things at one time ......for example you decide to clean one shelf in the kitchen and just do that much. After all if we finished doing all that needs doing what would we do after wards? Right? Once you start doing these little things at a time your body will start getting active without tiring and putting you off the project. Another thing..... I have trouble sleeping ...some nights I just can't go to bed....after struggling for a long time it occured to me...what the I am not sleeping started just reading, playing games on line, or solving sudoku puzzles and it has worked for me.....I sleep if I am sleepy and don't care if I am not.....Some days I just sleep till mid morning and my body makes up the loss. Starting small at a time will also start producing hormones that strengthen your immune system and give you a high. ....I am speaking from experience....good luck
First of all, YOU cannot change your life. You have to seek the guidance of the Lord of Lord and King of Kings. Jesus has been given all power in heaven and earth. Jesus can speak to situations and make them change, speak to people and lead them on a different path. God's word has been the foundation of life since He said ';Let There Be Light.'; People say that we weren't born with instructions. The Bible is our manual for living a prosperous life. Start by watching a Spirit, Bible Based televison program and just listen and receive.
I'm not one for religion, but I've heard it helps...


baby steps is the key as well as knowing what to ask for help (hire help for).

I would start by seeking medical advice. They can give you a physical check your symptomology and see if there is anything physically contributing to your problems.

I would then move to some sort of therapy to get outside opinions that will over time come to know you better than Yahoo Answers people could.

Then I would hire someone to help me clean out my house to get rid of the clutter.

As well as join a health club or some such thing to find people to be active with.

Your insurance company will tell you what's covered and what's not but you would be surprised most often medical and mental health is covered as well as sometimes alternative medicines and even health club memberships for a more active life style.

The Key is to find people who face the same issues so you can help each is of the utmost if you want to see any kind of success. Also remember some successes come sooner than others and backsliding does happen that's why SUPPORT is the best thing you can find to help you onto the path you wish to be on.

and good luck many people have been where your at and made the changes you wish to make.
You have started the change, because you realize the situation. Denial is the most harmful component in most mental and physical health issues, since you are aware of the goings on, then the next thing would be to categorize, in order of importance, focus on one thing at a time, if on medication take as required, but try to maintain a certain focus, this will help with the overwhelmed and anxious feelings. It can be done and you have a toe on the road, just get the foot further in the door and concentrate more consistently. It will be okay - God Bless.
one day at a time!@

don't over whelm yourself or expect to be better over night!

that's why most give up

took me 3 years! and there is always room for iimprovement so it's still work in process but i got some of the main things out of the way!

depression gone - emotions some what undercontrol -

Here is what i suggest

Take one of your problems or one of your goals of improvement like overweight. and assign it a day!

so overweight is on mondays!

tuesdsays I will eat right no fast food no dinning out I will get off my but and cook something!

wednesday - spend 30 minute going through something in your home

thursday - self affermitive day! - that's right this day you can't beat yourself up.. tell yourself how beatuifull you are, how your so good at being creative! Heck make it your day and pamper yourself!

Fridays - work day - do what you have procrastinated on

weekend - do something fun and rewarding if you followed your scheudule.. it shouldn't be like this you need to personalize it!

see i did mine a bit different tho!

I went home for lunch for 1 month and spent my lunch hour cleaning my stuff! I am a packrat and still have over a ton of boxes to go through yet!

then i went to exercize the followibng month

i stopped smoking a year ago and the big secret is setting yourself uip to win!

instead of doing 50 push ups every day set that as your goal!

but start week one 5 pushs up every day

week 2 10 pushs ups and so forth!

this way you can do what is needed!

I seen that show by clean house too!

sounds like my dad's place!

don't do what they do on that show overwhelming!

start in one room right out your goals on what you want to do and even if you only put 10 minutes a side a day after a month see how much you got done and you will be amazed!

I wish you the best of luck and if you need someone to talk to I';m here all of me and my stuff too! lol
Go see a doctor, it will be the wisest decision you ever made.
See your doctor you could have anxiety or depression it affects everyone in a different way see your doctor and discuss your symptoms. They may give you medication and it really does help.
';Blanche, you aint never getting outa that house, and you aint never getting outa that chair!!'; Just kidding, look, stop being so hard on yourself. So what, you are a slob, and worse yet, you don't want to be a slob and still are. My advice, do one thing at a time and do it completely.
Invite a lot of friends around to your home, you'll clean your house.

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