Monday, June 6, 2011

How much has your perspective of life changed over the last 12 months?

A lot

Some, not a lot

A little bit

It's the same

And why?

I would have to say mine has changed a lot and continues to change regularly. A lot has happened in the last 12 months, and it really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

That being said, how much has your perspective changed? What caused it to change for you?

Thank you everyone.How much has your perspective of life changed over the last 12 months?
A year ago, my philosophy for 2008 was ';I don't wanna grow up.'; I grew up more last year than most years. My philosophy circa 2009 is ';take it as it comes.';

Why are my philosophies always SONG LYRICS?

Thank you for making me think today. Great question!How much has your perspective of life changed over the last 12 months?
More than I can say. I used to think that love was a trivial thing, nothing to get worked up over. Almost a year ago though I fell in love, and it ended 7 months later. I never could have imagined how much it can hurt. So, I guess you could say im humbled, I used to be the man who laughed in the face of love.
A lot, but that is because I am in school learning and I am constantly applying things I learn to my home life. Also I have met some interesting people that have ';enlightened';me with their views, which is not to say that they have 'changed' me, but I have more of an open mind to different things. Oh yeah and since I have been on Ya! a lot more recently I have had to think a lot more. But hey why not keep tylenol in business?
we are goin down dude
My perspective has changed greatly ever since I started seriously studying Plato. I used to be firmly in the modern relativist school of philosophy, but now I'm much less convinced of their arguments, and much more open to ancient metaphysics and ethical claims.
My perspective has not wavered much. The things that happen around the world, whether they happened yesterday or ten years ago only reinforce what I already know. That man is infallible and has historically been more irrational than he has been reasonable.

I know that reality won't budge for the whims of man: unnatural politics, unreasonable ethics, undercutting the requirement of a sound epistemology, and evading the facts of reality.

Historically man qua mankind has evaded one simple truism that has caused more suffering than could ever be gaged. That is Aristotle's identity axiom: A is A. Such a simple truth but ostensibly to easy to grasp.

If they had the communication system that we have, back in the Dark Ages, imagine the historical reference that would come from that time. This last twelve months would seem like nothing by way of comparison. They didn't believe an A represented only an A back then either.

(I do, however, REALIZE that by implication alone my statement disqualifies my argument because such an Age could never achieve a communication system. I am waxing rhetorically, so my argument stands sound.)
I used to think everything was fine. Sure people were a little dumb but that was okay. For the most part, people were good and I could accept them.

Over the past 12 months, I tried to figure out where this ignorance from people came from. What I have found out has been shocking and appalling. I've found out more about the Patriot Act. I've found out more about the Iraq War. I've found out more about the economy. I've found out more about the elites try to keep people in the dark. I've found out more about how we have been brainwashed since we are young. I've found out about conformity. I've found out about how easy it is for the elites to get the desired response from the people. I've become more and more convinced that we are heading in the wrong direction.
I never knew I was so political. I have been so pleased that Obama came through the primaries - and THEN was actually elected - and THEN actually sworn in!

I think having a lying little dog in the White House - like Georgie Bush - was making me sick - physically sick. The treason, the wars and the endless lies

To now have a man leading the country who can ponder questions and make decisions is just amazing. With Bush and the other awful republicans for the past 30 years, you KNEW it was all just to feed the Super Rich.

And now the Super Rich have it all and we have a Depression. But at least we got Obama. And everyday is a pleasure to watch him reinvigorate things like the Freedom of Information Act.

And it's fun to hear the right wingers whine too - that's great - they hate Freedom!
I'd say a lot.

I realized more than any of my coevals did;

I realized that there are no limits to our power of will.

I realized that there are no limits to men's power.

I realized that every little piece is so complicated to make.

I realized how world is complicated.

I realized my purpose.

I realized my dreams.

I realized my life!

谋 was never full of life and happy thoughts : ) but the last 12 months killed most of my positive intentions against my social circle and made me feel numb. and last december i came to a point, where i want to simply go away and start a new life and never see anyone i know ever again.

so i applied to a school in another country. wish me luck : )
My perspective of life is always changing, some say I am wishy washy, that I play both sides of the fence, I think I get enlightened. I have always been a ';Pollyanna'; Always looking for the silver lining. This year has been depressing full of regrets and angers. My basic philosophy of life is wait it will be over soon and you'll laugh about it.
I think my perspective has changed drastically in the last twelve months.

Now that this country has elected a biracial president, the first biracial president, that has definitely changed my perspective on how I feel about this country.

That's the biggest perspective-changing thing that has occured in the last year.
not by much
I think it has changed a little bit; I used to think society was going down the tubes; but after 9/11, hurricane Katrina, Rita, etc., I have seen how a nation can band together and bring aid so fast it will make your head spin.

I know we're not all too happy with FEMA right now after those catastrophes, but I'm talking about people in general; I have never seen such a concerted effort to help those devastated by various disasters. And we have kept that effort alive with other natural disasters that have happened. I'm absolutely amazed.

I hope this answers your question RW!
It has changed a bit....!

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