Monday, June 6, 2011

How can an MPH help me practice better medicine as a physician?

I am wondering whether I should get an MPH or not (I have one year to spend as I chose, since I am taking a year off before I apply to medical school).

I would love to be an advocate for public health and help write policy that could change lives. My ultimate goal is to become a physician and I have no doubt that I will get into medical school immediately after my 1-year master's program is complete. I am also interested in taking a leadership role in the hospital - would an MHA or MBA be more appropriate?

What I don't like is the rough nature of politics and some politician taking credit for all my work, but such is the nature of life.

Do you think an MPH is the best master's I should chose for what I want to do? Do you think it is necessary? Your advice is appreciated.How can an MPH help me practice better medicine as a physician?
Your credentials won't determine your ultimate career path, you will. And your MD will carry more weight than whichever Masters you decide to pursue.

Have to you looked into the National Health Service Corps? can an MPH help me practice better medicine as a physician?
Just as a layperson, I would think that with the medical school degree, that MPH would very much be an asset especially since you have such a passion for community health and introducing new policy. And the MPH most likely includes courses in business so perhaps that can help you that much more as opposed to an MBA. Congratulations on knowing just what you want to do and for being so ambitious :)

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