Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to change my life and get in a great school???

Hi, to whom sees this question.

I am a newcomer to Canada who have been here for 10 months. I am an ESL student now studying in Grade 10. I start to think about how can I get in a great school in North America. I am not the best student in our school, but I am excellent. I really expect to be the most excellent figure. But I have no idea what should I focus on. What fields of knowledge I must be know(and good at)? What do I need to start to prepare? Tell me everything I need to do for getting into a great university and improving my life. Tell me every detail. I'll do whatever I need to do no matter how hard is it. My family is not rich at all, we borrow some money to support our family actually.

I will be very grateful if you could provide precious information.

Thank all of you who see my question.

p.s. Tell me some material or books I need to read. Tell me some places I should visit(or work) for improving myself. Thank you.How to change my life and get in a great school???
a) read books. not novels, but literature. Hemingway, Dante, Shakespeare, Eliot, Keats, etc. It will give you a foundation

b) be a vehicle for change in your community. See something that inspires you? Maybe the inner city problem, AIDS in Africa, etc. (Thing of a more specific, road-less-traveled one). Then, start a grassroots organisation by gathering friends and family, etc. It would be best to ask a teacher your trust or a local professor for help. Ultimately, every altruistic act by a human is self-serving, whether people believe that or not. So you're doing good for other while helping yourself, because starting a program (that becomes successful), coupled with outstanding grades, will look GREAT on college apps.

Also, if it is feasible, play a sport. But if not, no big deal...get involved in volunteering. Extracurriculars are key. and keep the grades immaculateHow to change my life and get in a great school???
One does not need a great school or prestigious university to change ones life. A fine education can be had at any well accredited school. So it is not so much where you learn but what you learn and what you do with that knowledge.

That said, there is an advantage to a top school, and the competition is fierce. You must have good grades, you must be expressive, you must show that you are a good thinker. It helps to have special talent so if you do (music, arts, writing, mathematics, athletic) then by all means spend time to develop that talent. It helps to have and show interest in the world. So take inventory of your passions and then seek to leverage those passions in service to others.

Maybe not the precise advice you are looking for, but consider it anyway.

Good Luck
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